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Q: What is random art called?
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How do you change your desktop background to random art?

just go to google and at the address bar at the top put random art okay?lol

Who start art in Egypt?

a random dubm person

How did Rene Magritte use surrealism?

by using his imagination and thinking of anything at random to create his art work. He drew what was in front of him, but making it more interesting and thinking of random things to include in his art.

What is art by the Mayans called?

the art is called myans art

What subjects did Pablo Picasso use for his art?

Pablo Picasso used random people in his art, but he also painted his family

How do you know when you get a random event on runescape?

You don't, that's why its called a, "random event."

What are the 3 types of pattern in art?

random, alternating and regular are 3 kinds of pattern

What is art called in Hindi?

In hindi the art is called 'Kala'.

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You never know when you're going to get a Genie random. That's why it's called a "Random".

A variable whose value is a numerical outcome of a random phenomenon is called?

random variable.

What is Sasuke's outfit called?

A random assortment of random things. Well in part 2 that is...

Do you have to be a certain level to get the random weapon of miltonius?

No. and it is now called Random Weapon of Nulgath