

Best Answer

Some common, abstract nouns (synonyms) for the common, concrete noun 'mother' are:

  • ancestor
  • caregiver
  • creator
  • forebearer
  • nurturer
  • predecessor
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Q: What is the abstract noun for common noun of mother?
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Is development considered as an abstract noun or a common noun?

Development is an abstract noun, a word for a process or a state.

Is 'Year 'a common noun or an abstract noun?

The noun 'year' is an abstract noun, a word for a concept of time. All nouns for time (second, hour, week, month, etc.) are abstract nouns.Note: The noun year is a common noun; common nouns are capitalized only when the start a sentence.

Can an abstract noun be a common noun?

Yes, an abstract noun can be a common noun. A common noun is a word for any person, place, or thing. Examples of common abstract nouns:abilitybeautycharitydreameducationfameguesshopeignorancejealousykindnesslovememoryneedopinionpridequestionresponsibilitysituationtrustunderstandingvaluewealthyearzealAn abstract noun can also be a proper noun. A proper noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or a title. Examples of proper abstract nouns:Declaration of IndependenceThe Hope DiamondLiberty, KYMercy Street, Philadelphia, PAWar and Peace by Leo TolstoyAdditional answer.Please note that the above definition includes 'person' in both common and 'proper' nouns. The name of a person is a proper noun.

Is gas a abstract noun?

Gas is a common noun. It can also be a verb, when you gas someone or something.

How do you form an abstract noun from a common noun?

Abstract nouns can be common or proper nouns. Whether a noun is abstract or concrete is determined by its definition or its use, not whether it is common or proper.A common noun is a word for any person, place, or thing.A proper noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or a title.A concrete noun is a word for something that can be experienced by any of the five physical senses; something that can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched.An abstract noun is a word for something that can not be experienced by any of the five physical senses; it is something that is known, thought, believed, understood, or learned, felt emotionally.Examples:Common, concrete noun: sandwichCommon, abstract noun: peaceProper, concrete noun: Big MacProper, abstract noun: 'War and Peace' by Leo Tolstoy

Related questions

What is abstract noun of mother of common noun?

Some common, abstract nouns (synonyms) for the common, concrete noun 'mother' are:ancestorcaregivercreatorforebearernurturerpredecessor

How do you you change mother's and shoes to abstract noun?

The abstract noun form for the concrete noun 'mother' is motherhood.There is no abstract noun form for the concrete noun 'shoes'.

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The noun 'Precious' (capital P) is the name of a person, a proper noun, a concrete noun.The word 'precious' (lower case p) is an adjective, a word to describe a noun.The abstract noun form of the adjective precious is preciousness, a common noun.

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The abstract noun form of the noun hero is heroism (also a common noun).

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The noun 'grammar' is a common, uncountable, abstract noun. The noun 'grammar' is functioning as the direct object of the verb 'teaches'.

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The noun loyalty is a common, abstract noun.

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The noun 'anger' is a common, abstract noun.The noun 'anger' is a common noun as a general word for a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.The noun 'anger' is an abstract noun as a word for an emotion.

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Abstract noun.

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Patriotism is the abstract noun form.

What kind of noun is natural?

As a noun, natural is a common, singular, abstract noun.

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The abstract noun derived from the common noun "author" is "authorship." It refers to the concept or activity of being an author and creating written works.

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your mother is the answer