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The 5 wolves that saved Bella from Laurent are Sam, Jacob, Paul, Jared and Embry.

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no the wolves are not the cullens they are Sams/Jacobs pack of wolves

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Q: In New Moon are the 5 wolves that save Bella from Laurent in the meadow actually the Cullens?
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Related questions

In the novel New Moon who are the 5 wolves that chase Laurent in the meadow?

The 5 wolves that saved Bella from Laurent are Sam, Jacob, Paul, Jared and Embry.

Why did the clan in Alaska refuse to help the Cullens in the book Eclipse?

Because Irina was upset that the Quileute wolves had killed Laurent. The Denali clan offered the Cullens a deal that if they helped then the Cullens would allow them to go and kill the Quileutes. Obviously then Carlise disagreed

Why did Irina tell the volturi about nesse?

Irina was mad at the Cullens because the wolves killed Laurent and would not let her avenge him. She had been spying on the Cullens and had seen what she had believed to be an immortal child. Immortal children are against the Volturi's rules so she knew that when she told them they would come. She used them for revenge.

Who are the 5 wolves that chase Laurent in new moon?

The 5 wolves that saved Bella from Laurent are Sam, Jacob, Paul, Jared and Embry.

In New Moon are the 5 wolves on page 159 actually the Cullens?

no they are no the cullens they are sams/jacobs pack no of course not!!! but im not telling you anymore then that. just read the book. its way better then looking up spoilers on the internet

Is the wolves chased her across the meadow a subject or object pronoun?

The pronoun 'her' is the object of the verb 'chased'.The corresponding subject pronoun is 'she'; for example:She was chased across the meadow by the wolves.

In New Moon How does Bella live after Laurent finds her?

the giant wolves come and scare laurent away..then hunts him down and kills him...these wolves protect humans from vampires..

Is Jackson Rathbone going to be in eclipse?

Yes because Jasper is the one who trains the Cullens and wolves to fight the newborns. He is actually quite a big part of Eclipse.

Who is chasing Bella in new moon?

Both Victoria and Laurent were chasing her but Laurent found her first.-Laurent was scouting out forks "as a fovor to Victoria" when Bella happened upon him while he was hunting. It was never his intention to hunt her down face to face or kill her. He was just there to find out if the Cullens were still protecting her. He did want to kill Bella after he ran into her as she is "so mouthwatering" but he never chased her. He was chased away from her by the wolves and in turn killed.

Witch nomad vampire does the wolves kill in new moon?


In New Moon why did Laurent run away from the 5 wolves?

Laurent ran away from the five wolves because he realized he was outnumbered and overpowered. The wolves posed a significant threat to him, and he knew he wouldn't be able to defeat them all in a fight.

Why does the cullens and the wolves don't age at all?

Because its a movie and a book(its not real) and there immortal.