He doesn't die in Twilight. In New Moon (the second book) he is attacked & killed by the Wolf Pack, when he meets up with Bella in the Field and says he was going to kill her.
He is also Jamaican i41.tinypic.com/mb48k6.jpg
Bella was in the meadow after Edward had left(new moon) Laurent sort of appeared and talked to her about Victoria wanting revenge and he was doing her a favor by being about to kill her quickly then the wolves arrive(sam, paul, jarred,jacob etc.) and chase him away, catch him and kill him hope this answers your question :^)
Laurent warned all of the Cullens and Bella that James had and extraordinarily strong sense of smell and to be careful around Victoria to 'not underestimate her' is what Laurent said. So Bella switched scents with unwilling Rosalie. Bella ends up with a scar from James on her arm and ends up in the hospital. Then in New Moon Laurent goes to the Alaskan vampires and is later killed by Jacob. :)
The scene is never actually described. However, we are given to understand that the Werewolves of Stephanie Meyer's universe are incredibly strong. Their teeth are strong enough to allow them to bite into the marble like bodies of vampires and thus rip them to shreds. It is implied that, with the help of his pack members, that is exactly what Jacob did.
It should be noted that he never actually says he was the one to kill Laurent. He merely informs Bell that they, meaning the pack, took care of him.
No, definitely not. Were you thinking he looked like Laurent? It is obvious that is not him. You must not be a Twilight fan.
Victoria, James, and Laurent
Wi Pa,Wi Ja!!
Do you mean from the book 'My Secret Unicorn'?'Cause if you do, no. Twilight is not black, He is white as a Unicorn and grey as an ordinary pony. Hope I helped, bye!^FROM TWILIGHT not twilight the god damn unicorn, wow.. dumb people^No, it does not suggest anywhere that he is black, nor does it suggest that any of the white characters are really white. Its all up to how u interpret it
Paul Matthieu Hermann Laurent died in 1908.
because he was trying to eat bella.
Edi Gathegi played Laurent in the Twilight movies.
Laurent does not possess a special vampire ability in the Twilight Saga.
His name is Laurent, Laurent is protrayed by Edi Gathegi in the Twilight Film Series.
In twilight Laurent went to live in Denali with Tanya and her sisters and got together with Irina.
Laurent dies in the second book of the Twilight series, "New Moon." He is killed by the werewolves in the woods while trying to hunt Bella.
Edi Gathegi plays Laurent in twilight.
Edi Gathegi
Edi Gathegi plays Laurent in Twilight and New moon.
Laurent from Twilight is over 300 years old. He is a vampire who was changed during the 18th century.
James, Victoria, Laurent, many newborn vampires, and MANY humans. Not many people die acually.