Snape kills Dumbledore with avada kedavra. It is later revealed that this is what Dumbledore wanted as he was already dying after being cursed by a horcrux.
Severus Snape attempted to get Harry Potter expelled from Hogwarts on several occasions. Snape wanted to punish Harry for James' actions towards Snape. Throughout the years, Snape bullied, embarrassed and punished Harry. Yet, Snape also works with Dumbledore to protect Harry's life because he wanted to protect the son of Lily Potter.
Opinions differ on this. Some take the view that Dumbledore truly cared about Harry and considered him a son which is why he was so involved in his life and took so many steps to help him. Others think that Dumbledore was so invested in making sure Harry survived because he knew that Voldemort had to destroy the Horcrux inside of him and that Harry may die, so who better to risk destroying the rest of the Horcruxes.
I do not think so as he wanted to harm Harry Potter all the time and he subtracted a lot of points from harry potter's house and supported Draco Malfoy and Slytherin the most. Plus, he made Neville's life a misery just for fun.
Yes he did. He had been in possession of the invisibility cloak since his first year and it was rightfully his as the original owner of the cloak was his ancestor. He was the true master of the elder wand because Draco Malfoy disarmed Dumbledore therefore making it his, but Harry without knowing defeated Malfoy and became the master and he found the resurrection stone inside the very first golden snitch he caught which Dumbledore had left him.
because love conquers all. love lives on even after death, and continues to live on for all eternity...and even longer! the ultimate sacrifice is love, Harry's mother sacrificed her life for Harry. love can defeat anything, and it leaves a mark on us all. the ghosts of past love can rebound even the deadliest of spells. Harry Potter survived because his Mother made the ultimate sacrifice by protecting him til her dying breath, therefore bathing him in the glow of her everlasting love :) Plus one: because nobody could kill him yet. Or: because the author wanted him to survive.
*Spoilers* Snape was working as a triple agent for Dumbledore the whole time to help Harry finally stop Voldemort. Dumbledore asked Snape to kill him because he was already dying.
Answer: the french champions sister. Answer: Harry Potter.
severus snape was killed by voldemort voldemort was killed by harry potter molly weasley killed bellatrix lestrange severus snape killed dumbledore (dumbledore asked snape to kill him as he was dying anyway and so it wouldnt damage damage malfoys soul) fred weasley was killed, and so were lupin+tonks and many other in the great battle of hogwarts.
whats the pont of him dying
The Phoenix didn't lose any of it's senses. In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets the Phoenix blinded the Basilisk which meant Harry Potter could look at the Basilisk without dying.
Albus Dumbledore doesn't attack the Basilisk, his Phoenix Fawkes does. Fawkes blinds the Basilisk which allows Harry to look at it without dying instantly.
Harry Potter got famous by not dying from the Avada Kedavra spell.
There is no mention of any characters dying afterwards.
He uses the Killing Curse " Avada Kadavra" when Draco won't kill DumbledoreSnape had to. And for a good reason. So, recap. Harry and Dumbledore found the horcrux, but to do so, Dumbledore had to drink the poisonous liquid. The liquid was part of "The dark lord's" soul. And so, as long as the liquid was in Dumbledore, Voldemort was still living. So, to kill him, Snape had to kill Dumbledore.-PJ1120
Severus Snape attempted to get Harry Potter expelled from Hogwarts on several occasions. Snape wanted to punish Harry for James' actions towards Snape. Throughout the years, Snape bullied, embarrassed and punished Harry. Yet, Snape also works with Dumbledore to protect Harry's life because he wanted to protect the son of Lily Potter.
Snape explains this to Bellatrix in the "Spinner's End" chapter of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. He says that he didn't know Quirrell was working with Voldemort, that "I saw only greedy and unworthy Quirrell attempting to steal the stone and, I admit, I did all I could to thwart him," (USA Scholastic hardcover edition, p28). This might actually be the truth. In "The Prince' Tale" chapter of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, when Harry watches the memories Snape gave him while he was dying, one of the memories is from Harry's first year: Dumbledore asks Snape to "keep an eye on Quirrell," (USA Scholastic hardcover edition, p679). It is not clear whether or not Dumbledore suspects Quirrell to be working with Voldemort at this point, or if he thinks Quirrell is trying to steal the stone all by himself. Dumbledore is, of course, a genius, so it is possible that he already knew Quirrell was working with Voldemort. But even if Dumbledore did already suspect that Quirrell was working with Voldemort, it doesn't necessarily mean that he shared this information with Snape.
Opinions differ on this. Some take the view that Dumbledore truly cared about Harry and considered him a son which is why he was so involved in his life and took so many steps to help him. Others think that Dumbledore was so invested in making sure Harry survived because he knew that Voldemort had to destroy the Horcrux inside of him and that Harry may die, so who better to risk destroying the rest of the Horcruxes.