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It happens twice, the first time on page 330, and the second on page 526.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Jacob kisses Bella in eclipse


da first kiss wuz him forcing her cuz u know how strong he iz nd how much he likes her nd how shes all in love with edward..well yea nd then Bella tells edward nd edward tells Jacob that if he ever kisses her again he will snatch hiz head offf datt iz unless Bella iz to ever ask Jacob to do it nd Bella murmurs to herself never...then later on ,the werewolves nd cullens team up to destroy Victoria nd the young vampires she has created (which young vampires are unexperienced nd are thirsty for blood which Victoria has tld them to get Bella,Edwards mate,) so they take Bella to some mountain or something lika datt nd there she stays with both edward nd Jacob nd when Jacob iz bout to go fight Victoria , Bella doesnt want him to go nd she begs him nd hes like kiss me so shes ask him to nd then they kiss nd while theyre kissing she pictures her world with Jacob nd how they would get married nd havve kids,,, a perfect world nd datts when she realizes shes in love with both Jacob nd edward......lolz

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ok um this answer is wrong heres what really happened the first kiss is right but the second kiss is rong ill tell u the truth what happened in the second kiss Jacob heard that Bella and edward was getting married so Jacob was trying to kill himself then Bella said Jacob NO! and Jacob said why tell me one good reason so Bella said she needs him and Jacob said not good enough so Bella said hes important Jacob says not good enough so the only thing that can make Jacob not killing himself is that Jacob kissing Bella so she asks Jacob to kiss her so he did and edward knows that Jacob kissed Bella he wasnt mad at Jacob or Bella because he understands that Bella is in love with Jacob to edward also knows that Jacob tricked Bella into kissing him

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βˆ™ 16y ago

They dont Jacob kisses her twice in eclispe, the first time she is not into it and she punches him in the face and hurts herself. the second time is when they are at the campsite and she feels sorry for him so he tricks her and tell her that he will kill himself if she does not kiss him. And after that she realize that she cares for him more than she thinks.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

In the very first one, Twilight, they kiss seven times

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Twice in eclipse

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