In the movie Twilight, Bella, Edward, and James are the main characters.
It also depends on if you want the book answer or the movie answer. The book is very diffrent.
Yes at the end there is a fight between james(the tracker) and the one of the main characters edward
He is Edward Cullen from the Twilight Saga, one of the main characters - Bella's boyfriend in Twilight, New Moon and her boyfriend and fiance in Eclipse and her fiance and husband in Breaking Dawn.
the main what? the main characters are Cara and Mr.Larson
All the characters in the twilight series are fake.
Because they are the main characters.
Bella Cullen and Edward are the main characters.
Bella and Edward Rabies13
the wal-mart in Pennsylvania
most of the main characters in new moon are the same as twilight
NO! in the last book the two main characters have sex!
a random old hobbo found on the street
The three main characters in Twilight are Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, and Jacob Black. The story follows Bella, a human, as she navigates her relationships with vampire Edward and werewolf Jacob.
Yes, the main characters in the Twilight saga, such as Bella, Edward, and Jacob, remain consistent throughout the entire series. They play pivotal roles in shaping the storyline and their relationships evolve across all the books.
You can tell Edward Cullen, Isabella Swan, and Jacob Black are the 3 main characters because when you read the books they are the most important!
The six main characters are....Twilight SparkleRainbow DashFluttershyApplejackRarityPinkie Pie
There were 72 characters mentioned in Twilight.