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Way less than 1. In a 2 hour movie there are only 4 gigs.

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Q: How many GB in 10 minute movie?
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How many gigabytes does 10 minutes take up?

Using the average audio rate (128k per second), 10 minutes takes up a mere 10 megabytes, or a scarce 100th of a gigabyte. Remeber: It is usually 1 minute for 1 megabyte.

How many GB are used in a music track?

A CD track in uncompresed audio (WAV or PCM format) uses 11.0 MB per minute, which is 0.011 GB per minute.

How many hours are in 4.7 GB of memory?

Depends if you dealing with Music or Video, and it depends on the quality. In theory you could have 1 minute of video equal to 4.7GB, 10 hours, or more.

How many gigabytes is a 4k movie?

A 4K movie can range from 50 to 100 gigabytes in size, depending on the length and quality of the movie.

How many GB does a PSP movie use?

5 GB

How many gigabytes is a ten minute movie on final cut?

it depends on what the project was captured on originally as well as how many effects and other assets you've added. Ten minutes of standard definition video will be much smaller than, say, prores444.

How many 10 mb in a GB?

100 in a gb

How many gigabytes in a gig?

A gig is an informal abbreviation for gigabyte. i.e. 10 gigabytes can be referred to as 10 gigs.

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How many GB are in a Eclipse movie?

GB? You mean gay boys? OVER 9000

How many gigabytes in a one minute you tube video?

YouTube videos come in different qualities. The amount of space those movies take will depend quite a lot on the quality. In any case, it will be at most several MB, not GB, per minute.

How many megabytes makes 10 gigabytes?

== == Thare are 1,024 megabytes in a gigabyte, so 10,240 megabytes makes 10 gigabytes.