How many movies a 64 gb flash drive can store depends on the length of the movies. If eacah movie is about 2 hours, then the flash drive can hold up to 21 movies.
It can hold up to 80 hours of video so I would say about 40 movies assuming all movies are around 2 hours long
a terabyte is 1000 gigabytes, a cd normally is around 700-800 Mb. this means a 800 Mb cd is 0,78125 of a Gb, thus in one tb 0,78125*1000= 781 cd's will fit
None. MP3 is an audio format and hence not really suited for movies. If you're talking about MP4, however, it depends, since the bit rate is not a fixed part of the format, but variable. But, typically, it will be about 700MB for 'acceptable' quality on a 90 minute movie, though this depends on your personal threshold for video artifacts.
2 TB is Two Tara Bytes. A Tara Byte is 1000 gigabytes. Two TaraBytes equals approximately 2048 gigabytes. That is the maximum that can be put on a partition, I believe.
around 10
a movie is like 700 MB to 1500 MB so you can do this 250 GB 250 Gb x 1000 MB = 250 000 MB / 700 MB = 357 movies for 357 movies at 700 MB 250 GB x 1000 MB = 250 000 MB / 1500 MB = 166 movies for 166 movies at 1.5 GB each ( 357 + 166 / 2 = ≈ 262 movies who can be hold on a 250 GB HD.
How many movies a 64 gb flash drive can store depends on the length of the movies. If eacah movie is about 2 hours, then the flash drive can hold up to 21 movies.
That will depend on the duration of the movie (i.e. there will be fewer longer movies that will fit in that space than shorter movies).
212 movies at 4.7 gb. 1000/4.7 (hard drive space in gb/movie size)
Depends on how much memory the movies contain. But I imagine it will be quite a lot.
Around 400 more or less.
It depends on how many gigabites it has like 8 gigabites can hold about 15 movies.
4 GB can hold about 1000 songs. This depends on your player though. Also it depends on the size of the songs. If the songs are 4mb then it's about 1000 songs.
Anywhere from 500 to 1000 pictures depending on quality.
Probably about 8, maybe 9.