How many movies a 64 gb flash drive can store depends on the length of the movies. If eacah movie is about 2 hours, then the flash drive can hold up to 21 movies.
It can hold up to 80 hours of video so I would say about 40 movies assuming all movies are around 2 hours long
Projectors do not store movies. They hold them to be played. After they are played, they are put in to holding containers and stored away in a room.
Yes Reg did hold a license to drive the buses and regularly did.
more than enough! 100000/300= ? this much!
stella fell of the ship and she did not have a jacket on so they had to drive next to her so they can hold her and put her in the boat again
at least 3.
At least 6000 MP3's at 320Kbps
Depends on the capacity of the drive. I have a 128Gb flash drive, which is obviously larger than 64Gb. You also get solid state (hard drives) which are essentially large flash drives which are larger than that
It depends on how many gigabites it has like 8 gigabites can hold about 15 movies.
it would be able to hold 150000 songs
64gb on an ipod can hold 10,000 songs/apps
About 80 hours so 40 movies around 2. Hours long
A flash drive can hold anywhere from 256 MB to 8 GB.
Yes, as long as the flash drive is big enough to hold the file(s).
A mp3 player flash drive is used to store the data for an mp3. The bigger the flash drive, the more songs one is able to hold (
yes, a 64GB iPod really hold up to 14,000 songs.
Some flash drives have programs added to help you with you use your flash drive properly, but no, If the flash drive has no files on it, It's empty.