In the Twilight series, Bella is primarily in love with Edward Cullen. Jacob Black, her childhood friend, also develops strong feelings for her, creating a love triangle. However, Bella's romantic feelings for Jacob are more platonic, whereas her love for Edward is deep and romantic. Ultimately, Bella's heart belongs to Edward.
yes of corse
she's not even a week old. and Jacob fell in love with her first he imprinted on her so that's how trhat story happened
The conflict between Edward and Jacob stems from their love for Bella. They are both madly in love with her but Bella feels a love like no other for Edward and only a brotherly love for Jacob. Bella believes the two do not get along because they are so much alike.
After Bella's baby, Renesmee is born, Jacob 'imprints' on her, the way werewolves fall in love at first sight with a woman. But just because he imprints on her as a baby, doesn't mean he has an actual relationship with her until she is of the same age. Jacob can't stay away from her though after he has imprinted on her.
Translation: Amo a Jacob.
aisuru or aishtte iru is love in Japanese for people daisuki is love for things
To say "i love you" in japanese: ai shi teru Ah-shee-tare- oo
Sukidayo ^^^ that means i like you. Love is pronounced as Ahh-E Say ahh and say "E" like the letter.
You could say "kimiga hoshiindesu" which means "i want you (in a sexual way.)" Hope that helps :)
Hey Jacob! Its Lydia xxx Mwah Love oo ^^ you pronounc it jakub
Hey un fiesta in my pantelones Jacob Logan caine
in the movie he says something in his native language ,which is "Stay with me forever." Jacob says I love you
ai no megami
Nihon daisuki!