After Bella's baby, Renesmee is born, Jacob 'imprints' on her, the way werewolves fall in love at first sight with a woman. But just because he imprints on her as a baby, doesn't mean he has an actual relationship with her until she is of the same age. Jacob can't stay away from her though after he has imprinted on her.
no he grows up to marry renesmee Bella's and Edwards kid :P
she's not even a week old. and Jacob fell in love with her first he imprinted on her so that's how trhat story happened
absolutely not, Bellas friend Jacob does no, not in the way he is with Bella but, he loves her like a daughter her name is renesmee edward dosent like her like that if you no what i mean... but Jacob inprints on renesmee :O hope that helps :D
In Twilight (the first book) he thinks that he loves her, but... No, Jacob is in love with Renesme, with whom he imprinted with in Breaking Dawn. Sorry for all of you who have not read it and who have had the book just ruined for you. Its your own fault, you asked the question, not me. HA! Yeah, he starts loving her in new moon and eclipse and then in breaking dawn falls in love with her and Edwards baby ( Renesme) named after her vampire mom Esme and her human mom renee'. He is in love with her through the second and third book, he even gets Bella to realize that somehow she is in love with him too. but in breaking dawn he imprints on renesme.
Well jacOb &renesmee fall in lOve but we dO nOt knOw what happens after that(; they prObably fall in lOve get married maybe have kids IF renesmee is able tO dO that
he imprints on her!
Yes he does.
Jacob was in love with Bella until Bella got renesmee so Jacob loves renesmee
In Chapter 18: There Are No Words For This
No, in the end, Bella falls in love with Edward and marries him. Then, on their honeymoon, they have a beloved daughter, Renesmee Cullen. Jacob then falls in love with Renesmee, whom he imprints on. To imprint is to love that person deeply, and most werewolves have a imprintie (a person that got imprinted on). The reason that Jacob imprinted on Renesmee, not Bella, was because the only reason that Jacob once loved Bella was because of her daughter, Renesmee. And now that Renesmee was here, he could love her, instead of wishing on Bella, who would never love him because she married Edward Cullen.
Yes, in a way, because Jacob has imprinted on Renesmee, so he loves her - even though she's much younger. As werewolves don't age, he can just wait for Renesmee to grow older, then they can love each other.
no he grows up to marry renesmee Bella's and Edwards kid :P
Jacob Black
*SPOLIER* Yes. He imprints on Renesmee, Bella and Edward's daughter.