absolutely not, Bellas friend Jacob does
no, not in the way he is with Bella but, he loves her like a daughter her name is renesmee edward dosent like her like that if you no what i mean... but Jacob inprints on renesmee :O
hope that helps :D
In the Twilight Saga, the Quilluete wolves find their perfect mates (person that will make the strongest descendants, as well as be the wolf's perfect other half) through a process of 'imprinting'. They see the person, they imprint. It's that simple. Jacob gives a description of the feeling of imprinting in Breaking Dawn. He was helpless in falling in love with Renessme, his wolf genes chose her, not his concious mind.
because all her life had been so boring never good at anything but ever since she met edward she wanted to be a vampire because she would/is good at it, she was born to be a vampire.But I choose Jacob beause of his personality,at least he gets renesmee.
No, Bella marries Edward and they have a baby which they weren't supposed to be able to so the Volturi in the next movie are going to try to take the baby.
Bella names her daughter Renesmee [After her mother: Renee, and Edward's mother for all intents and purposes: Esme].
breaking dawn is about BELLA getting married and also becoming a mother voltori doesn't let immortal [children that are vampire's] live. Bellas daughter looks like an immortal child. JACOB has a part to when the wolves decide to kill Bella's baby while the baby is still in side Bella .Jacob imprints on renesme[bellas baby]!!!!!! will Bella's family die?will Jacob get a chance to be in love?will the voltori win or lose? MUST READ TO ANSWER
she ends up with Edward and they have a baby.. but she gets very close to Jacob in new moon when Edward leaves her. but in the end she chooses Edward.
Honestly you dont want to know.. read the fourth book to find out. but if you want a spoiler then: . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacob Imprints on Edward and Bellas baby, which infuriates Bella. lol
Renesmee, after Bellas mother Rene, and Edward's "mother" Esme.
Edward is mortalized that Jacob imprinted on hiss baby so edward is thinking about killling Jacob
lol i doubt it renesmee is a baby and Edward & Bella's daughter she is to little to get married. besides Jacob was in love with Bella it cannot be possible
yes Jacob falls in love with Bella's baby girlyes...yes he is. he imprinted on an infant. how unfortunate.
no with edward
In breaking dawn bella names her and edward's baby girl renesmee, it comes from renee(bella's mum) and esme(edwards mum) if the baby was male its name would have been ej which came from edward jr. but also edward jacob
i think edward did
edward is the father
because all her life had been so boring never good at anything but ever since she met edward she wanted to be a vampire because she would/is good at it, she was born to be a vampire.But I choose Jacob beause of his personality,at least he gets renesmee.
No, Bella marries Edward and they have a baby which they weren't supposed to be able to so the Volturi in the next movie are going to try to take the baby.
he imprints their baby