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In Twilight (the first book) he thinks that he loves her, but...

No, Jacob is in love with Renesme, with whom he imprinted with in Breaking Dawn. Sorry for all of you who have not read it and who have had the book just ruined for you. Its your own fault, you asked the question, not me. HA!

Yeah, he starts loving her in new moon and eclipse and then in breaking dawn falls in love with her and Edwards baby ( Renesme) named after her vampire mom Esme and her human mom renee'.

He is in love with her through the second and third book, he even gets Bella to realize that somehow she is in love with him too. but in breaking dawn he imprints on renesme.

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14y ago

Alice Cullen is Jasper's wife and true love. Jasper first met Alice after facing almost a century long depression to walk into a diner waiting for him. She was sitting on a stool in a diner in Philadelphia waiting for him, having used her ability to see into the future to see that they would meet there. Jasper, a little taken back by her knowing him, apologized sheepishly to her when she teased him about how long she had been waiting for him by "bowing his head like a good Southern gentleman" and answering, "I'm sorry, ma'am." as Alice had said when Jasper was telling his story to Bella in Eclipse. Alice then, offered him her hand in a silent request to leave the diner and start a new life together. Jasper accepted (as quoted from Eclipse, "For the first time in almost a century... I felt hope"). They fell in love and eventually found the Cullen family together. Alice helps Jasper regulate his blood lust by looking into the future or calming him down. They have been a part of the Cullen family ever since.

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13y ago

renesme is not in twilight she is in breaking dawn and i woundn't really say she is in love with him because she is a babybut Jacob inprinted on her so i gess she will be when she gets older as much as i may not like it

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14y ago

Yes, Jacob love Bella, but Bella love Jacob as like family and friend.

Actually Bella does love Jacob she just loves Edward more because he's always been the one. I myself hate Edwardo Cullen! Jacob really loves her...but it's an impossible love...

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14y ago

In Breaking Dawn, Renesmee is still young, so she's not "in love" with anybody. However, Jacob and Renesmee are imprinted, so it's more likely that she will fall in love with Jacob than with Nahuel.

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13y ago

First of all it is Renesmee and Jacob is in love with Renesmee, but Renesmee thinks of Jacob like her older brother for now but yes the are in love

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13y ago

Bella does love Jake but not as much as she loves Edward. That's why she chooses Edward over Jake in the end and Jake imprints on Renesmee (Nessie)

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8y ago

Bella was in love with both Jacob and Edward, but she said in what I believe was Breaking Dawn pt. 1, "I'm in love with Jacob. But I love you more," to Edward.

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9y ago

He already loved Renesmee after imprinting on her, but not in a romantic way. She was too young for that.

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Q: Is Jacob in love with Renesmee in Twilight?
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