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In the Twilight series, Bella is primarily in love with Edward Cullen. Jacob Black, her childhood friend, also develops strong feelings for her, creating a love triangle. However, Bella's romantic feelings for Jacob are more platonic, whereas her love for Edward is deep and romantic. Ultimately, Bella's heart belongs to Edward.

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2mo ago
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13y ago

Bella is actually in love with both of them, but her love for Edward is greater than her love for Jacob.

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14y ago

Yes, but she says in either Eclipse or Breaking Dawn that she loves Edward more than Jacob.

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14y ago

As a sister. Not any other way.

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4y ago

Bella falls in love with Edward Cullen in the Books and Films. Bella has known Jacob for a lot of her life, and loves him more as a best friend. When she say Edward she immediately felt that love for him.

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