yes. Well, you can make paper mache a number of ways, but one really simple way, is with flour and water.
Traditional pinatas are made in Mexico. They have been made from many things such as pottery, cloth and paper mache. The most common material for pinatas is paper mache. The outside is often covered in colorful frilly paper.
the uses of papier mache are endless. It can be used for making masks, figuirines, sculptures, ornaments as well as party things like pinatas.
There are many ways and ideas to do this project, the foundation can be formed by using chicken wire, or forming wire (craft stores, several types) for the mountain itself, many types of paper can be used, newspaper, (common) or, I suggest paper towels, these are cheap, flexible, and soft, for a stronger, still soft, flexible papertowel, try rag-on-a-roll, pulped toilet paper for snow caps. For the paint, all paints can be considered, from spray (rattle can, to air-brush), poster, enamels, even artists, acrylics, oils, inks, etc. Here's a site that will get you started an walk you through to the end: See related links below for link.
An art paper is any of a variety of types of paper which have a specific use in art.
You can use baking paper instead of ironing sheet for various projects. This can be used for parchment purposes, dyeing and pigmentation purposes.
The best way to make such a structure out of paper would be to use paper mache. Make your base and then cover it with your paper mache mixture.
There is a paper mache recipe that involves using flour and water instead of white glue. This can be very useful, as it is not quite as messy as glue.
That will do the trick! A basic recipe for paper mache is: 1 and 1/2 cups of water 1 cup flour (white is most common) 1/4 cup of white glue
There are many different ways to make paper mache paste. One option is a no-cook option, in which one only has to mix water and flour together. Another option is cooked paper mache paste, in which one has to boil water and stir a water and flour mixture into it. There is also resin paper mache paste, in which water is boiled and a mixture of powdered glue resin, flour, and warm water are mixed into it.
To make paper mache stronger, you can add more layers of paper and glue, use stronger adhesive like wood glue, or mix in materials like flour or starch for added strength.
Use Flour and Boil Water For Three To Four Minutes Then Let It Cool
You use paper mache to make a foot. Your welcome.
Flour and Water mixed together, or wall paper paste. :]
To make a simple paper mache glue mix together one part flour and two parts water. If you live in a humid area add a few tablespoons of salt to prevent mould.
you can use any kind of paper from note book parer to magazine paper
I know how to make paper - mache out of napkins.