the uses of papier mache are endless. It can be used for making masks, figuirines, sculptures, ornaments as well as party things like pinatas.
its made by helen hodgkinson
its made from metal
Hayao Miyazaki made Ponyo.
John Marshville made
by papermatade
to get candy when u hit it at a party... its a Mexican thing!
Viva Piñata is made for Nintendo DS and XBox 360.
To feed pinatas you press A on them and you can direct them to wherever you wont though sometimes they be a little suborn just keep directing until it follows your pointer.
Viva pinata in English is : Yea pinatas hooray pinatas! Viva Pinatas translates to Long Live the Pinata. Well,Accroding to the Microsoft Live translator Viva piñata means: Live Pinata meaning real alive pinatas
pinatas were originally from china or the Chinese people
in indiana
because they are cool
What do pinatas mean, or stand for?
The cast of All Pinatas Go to Heaven - 2011 includes: Paul McGhie