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NO NO NO!Girls dont want to see guys butt crack! its um unflattering :S

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Q: Do girls think butt crack is hot on guys coz you show lots of mine?
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It depends on the guy and the butt. Some guys don't care so much about girls' butts. If you have a well shaped bubble butt you will not fail to have guys appreciate it.

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Well to be truthful most guys like a nice butt and boobs. White teeth and no acne help a lot. Some boyfriends ive had have liked my personality. But some guys like girls with nice butt and boobs ... etc .

Do girls think about guys a lot?

I dont knowAnswerboys think about how hot they are or sometimes there bobs or butt. Answerthey sometimes think about how hot they are or about there boobs or butt. Answergirls are hot for me and sexy to ahhhhhhhhhhh Answeri will thing about because girl are hot Answer:maybe by theri looks or theri butt or huge boobs

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Okay guys think that they turn girls on my squeezing your butt but its just really akward. Okay if you like him squeezing your butt then let him do that but if you don't feel comfortable letting him do that than tell him that you aren't comfortable with him doing that or when he's putting his hands down to your butt just move his hands up to your waist. Hope this helped you

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all there fat.. and there butt...but of course imma guy ;)

Should guys sag their pants?

Sagging pants is a personal choice that guys can make. Most girls, however, agree that this practice is odd to look at, and would prefer to look at a cute butt. Guys sag because they think girls think its hot. But to most girls its weird IF THEY HAVE A PENIS THEN THEY SHOULD SAG, IF THEY HAVE A VAGINA THEN THEY SHOULD NOT SAG