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Q: Do guys prefer a squishy butt or a firm butt?
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Do guys like a firm butt or a more cushiony butt?

Preferences for butt firmness can vary among individuals. Some people may prefer a firmer butt for reasons like aesthetics, while others may prefer a more cushiony butt for reasons like comfort. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and what individuals find attractive.

Guys- which do you prefer jiggly wiggly breasts or firmer toned breasts?

it all depends on the person, being a guy, i prefer firm yet that is just myself, i have friends that prefer your so called jiggly wiggly boobs

Why do black guys like girls with big bootys?

this is a stereotype. not all black guys like girls with big butts. Some prefer big boobs and other features not just the butt

Do guys prefer hanging out with guys or with a girlfriend?

Some guys who have a girlfriend prefer hanging out with their girlfriend depending on their age. Other's prefer their friends and may not have a girlfriend.

What is the best underwear brand or cut for women with flat butts?

Well, my butt is kinda flat too. and the underwear that makes it look best is boy shorts. not like boxers, but there really short and cute..look it up on google if you dont know. and if your worried about your butt, just do some butt excersizes..ur butt will get firm..and guys like that

Guys, guess what?


Are Naval personel called butt pirates or is the term butt pirate used for most any gay guys?

"butt pirate" is not a naval term. It is an insult toward gay guys.

Is it true that guys like bubble butts on girls?

It depends on the guy and the butt. Some guys don't care so much about girls' butts. If you have a well shaped bubble butt you will not fail to have guys appreciate it.

What are guys?

A butt face from hell that has popped in to your life

Do girls like guys with hair under the armpits?

no, guys prefer ladies

What do most guys look for in a woman?

Most guys look for cleavege and a nice back, (butt)

Do girls think butt crack is hot on guys coz you show lots of mine?

NO NO NO!Girls dont want to see guys butt crack! its um unflattering :S