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Only guys like big butts and maybe butts in general.

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Q: Girls like guys with big butt?
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Related questions

Why do white girls with big butts like black guys?

I think it is the black guys go for the white girls with big butts. The girls can't help how their butt looks and the size of the butt doesn't make you like a certain race.

Why do black guys like girls with big bootys?

this is a stereotype. not all black guys like girls with big butts. Some prefer big boobs and other features not just the butt

Why do guys care about how big a girls butt is?

Boys like girls big butts because they like to put there stick up the girls hole.

Why does a girls butt jiggle more than a guys butt?

because a girl has a bigger one so if they shake it it is to big but a man is a man its not gone shake like that

Why does a guys butt jiggle more than a girls butt?

because a girl has a bigger one so if they shake it it is to big but a man is a man its not gone shake like that

What is it about big girls that guys like?

We like girls for there nice curves. Nice tanned butt. Nice boos and a pretty face. Oh also personally.

Do guys like girls that have meat on there body?

There has to be a little meat no skinny girls. But you can't be chubby or fat or even hefty. Guys need big boobs, big legs, and a thin body. An make sure your face isn't butt ugly too.

Why do girls like guys with big buts?

Not all girls like guys with big buts but some do cause It can be real cute

Is it normal for guys to like big girls?

big girls need lovin too

Do Chris Brown likes girls with big bottle?

Chris Brown like girls with big butt

Does Nick Jonas like girls that have big butt?


How do you hit on a girl if you or she is busty?

Don't concentrate if the girl that you like has big breasts or butt look at her eyes because as us girls we don't like it when guys look at how big we are take my advice it will be worth taking.