At first yes Edward hated Bella but later he loves her deaply. After the marridge, the love fades because Edward gave half his love to his daughter, renesmee.
Hes love for Bella never fades... He just has more love to give but he loved them the same....
No, he doesn't. He's very honest and says that if Bella want's Jacob than that's ok with him and that he'll try to live with it.
Bella doesn't want this.
She's half delusional when she kisses Jacob because she thinks that he's going to go out and die in battle. Of course he doesn't as this is just a lie to make Bella kiss him because Jacob is mad about her.
Team Edward forever!
Well first, Jacob wanted to kill the baby Second, He left because thought Bella died Third, He was about to try to kill Renesmee And Fourth, he imprinted on her
OK here's what actually happens in the book: (Spoiler Alert!!) They don't kiss in New Moon at all but they do however, kiss twice in Eclipse. Edward is not extremely mad at either incidence. The first time Jacob and Bella kissed was when she went to visit Jacob at his house and she broke her hand. Edward was not extremely mad he just in a very Edward-like way, calmly explained to Jacob that if he ever kissed her again without her explicit instructions (her asking him to) he would break his jaw. The second time was when Jacob was about to go kill himself right before the fight with the newborns because he had just found out that Edward and Bella were getting married, and he told Bella that he had nothing else to live for. (Edward later explains that this was a trap that Jacob set for Bella so that she could kiss him without getting in trouble with Edward). Bella then asked him to kiss her to stop Jacob from doing something stupid and getting himself killed intentionally. Again, Edward was not mad; he was very loving and understanding, as is his nature because he truly only wants Bella to be happy no matter who she picks! Bella was upset at herself and Edward commented that he wishes she hadn't asked because he really would have enjoyed breaking his face. Team Edward all the way!! Why? Case in point up above, He truly is the better man...I mean Vampire!!
well, it depends on how you think of it. she does kiss Jacob while dating edward but he has given her permission to do so. and she admits to being in love with him, but edward forgives her even though she feels horrible about it. so, if you think that cheating then yes.
Eclipse... It happens twice, the first time on page 330, and the second on page 526.
He was upset because Renee was supposed to do the heavy (yell and scream at Bella for making dumb choices) but doesn't. So Charlie went sulking around till the wedding came. So Technically he was upset that Renee hadn't rat Bella out.
Not really because Jacob tricked Bella into kissing him. Edward knew that Bella loves Jacob just in a different way to how she loves Edward. :)
Edward sees them and gets mad at Bella
She likes Edward not Jacob
yes they do
he loves Bella, and thinks Edward is bad for her, and he wants to be with her
well in the movie Twilight they r just acting but jacob did get mad at edward not Bella BTW im in jacobs team
Of course Bella loves edward more then Jacob that is why she pick edward over Jacob.Because in the 2th movie that is why she left Jacob to go help edward and show edward that she was still alive.So i think i mad my point that Bella likes edward more than Jacob.But i do not i am IN LOVE WITH HIM OMG HE IS SO CUTE.
Spoiler ALERT!! Not really. He gets mad when she marries Edward but that's about it. He almost kills Edward when he finds out that Bella's dying because she's pregnant. But Jacob is happy when he imprints on Edward and Bella's daughter Renesmee
Edward talks to Bella about it in the tent while he knew that Jacob could hear, although Bella didn't know that. He says that Jacob had to know sometime but Bella gets mad at him.
In "Twilight: Eclipse," Bella is torn between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob. Meanwhile, Seattle is plagued by a series of mysterious killings that are later revealed to be the work of an army of newborn vampires created by Victoria. The Cullens and the werewolves must come together to protect Bella and defeat the newborns.
Well first, Jacob wanted to kill the baby Second, He left because thought Bella died Third, He was about to try to kill Renesmee And Fourth, he imprinted on her
Kind of. Edward knows that all Jacob wants right know is to protect her. Because jacob knows Edward would try to kill him if he thought of Renemee that way. I don't think Eward was a mad as Bella because Edward under stands what Jacob is thinking.