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Yes. Timpani, used for percussion, was utilized in several productions of songs, including the song "What You're Doing".

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Q: Did the beatles play the timpani?
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Related questions

Can Timpani sound different pitches?

Yes. Timpani drums can be tuned to play different pitches. Some musical pieces even require that the timpani be retuned during the piece to play a separate pitch.

What style music does the timpani play?

The Timpani has been used in various genres. From Classical, to pop! (My Heart Will go on, notably.) There is however, no specific style the Timpani plays in.

What type of music does a timpani play?

symphony orchestra

Percussion that can play real notes?

The xylophone and timpani are two examples.

How does a timpani work?

The timpani are large drums that are tuned using a foot pedal. When you press down on the pedal the pitch of the timpani rises, and when you release the pedal the pitch falls. The timpani are played usually with soft sticks, or mallets, but sometimes the player is directed to play with wooden mallets or even maracas (shakers)! Timpani are made with a copper or fibreglass shell and a plastic head (drum skin). Just an FYI, timpani is an Italian word, making the singular timpano, and the plural timpani.

How do you play superstition by the beatles?

"Superstition" was not a Beatles song.

Can a Timpani play a scale?

Yes, a timpani can play a scale by tuning each drum to the desired pitch in order to create a chromatic scale. The player can strike each drum in succession to produce a series of ascending or descending pitches.

Is a timpani is a string family?

Broadly speaking, timpani (pl) is a member of the percussion

What is timpany?

A timpani is a large drum that is able to be tuned so it can play different notes.

What were the timpani drum used for?

The timpani is more popularly known as the kettledrum, and is a percussion instrument used to play loud bass notes in orchestral performances. It is also used by experimental percussion artists.

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What section are the timpani in?

The timpani are in the percussion section.