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His paternal grandfather: Johnathan Bieber (born December 5, 1951). Moved to New York in 2004 with his wife.

His paternal grandmother: Joanna Bieber (born January 17, 1955). Moved to New York in 2004 with her husband.

His maternal grandfather: Ken Mallette (born October 31, 1948). Lives with his daughter and grandson in California.

His maternal grandmother: Mary Mallette (born January 6, 1946). Mary passed away in 1999.

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14y ago
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14y ago

No, you can even find her on YouTube singing Baby. Lol. I haven't seen it yet, but who knows maybe she's a legend!


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13y ago

Yes, he does.

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14y ago

no she is not she is a perfict lady

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His grandma, Kate plays the piano.

What does Justin Biebers grandmother play?

Justin bieber's grandma plays the piano

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Justin biebers grandad is 77 and his granmum is 61

Did Justin biebers grandparents die?

justin biebers grand parent didnt die cause i saw them at one of his concerts. Who asked that .Did yours die

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No. Justin's mom did not die

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no but his best friend did

What is Justin biebers grandma name?

If you mean Pattie Mallette's (Justins Mum) parents then its is Bruce and Dianne Dale.

What is Justin biebers gramas name?

Justin beibers grandma's name is tenille ortandas. she is also from Canada just like the other beibers and ortandases.

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Justin bieber is a die hard eagles fan!!!!!

How did Justin Biebers girl friend die?

she never did die she went to the hospital