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no! im a tomboy and im catholic. if i get caught with a slip from the principel, i have to go feed all of the caves and cows. i go to a privite school and catholic school so im very nice (i think).

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Q: All Tomboys are bad girl
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Related questions

Is being a tomboy bad?

Not at all. Be yourself, and enjoy it. Tomboys are less inclined to give in to peer pressure and follow the crowd.

Can there be a tom she-cat?

Not in the matter of their gender, no. However, there can be girl cats that like to be 'tomboys'.

Why do people always think tomboys are lesbians?

People think oh since tomboys dress and act like boys they must like girl cause that's what a normal boy would do. However they don't know the fact that tomboys can dress and act like a boy and NOT be lesbian.

What does it mean if a girl satisfies your fetish?

A fetish is something not normally considered sexy that someone finds attractive or gets turned on by. So if someone has a fetish for, say, tomboys, he finds tomboys really sexy, and a tomboyish girl would satisfy his fetish. Or if he has a fetish for girls in pigtails, seeing a girl with pigtails turns him on, and that girl satisfies his fetish.

Tomboys that dress like boys are attractive?

Some tomboys are attractive. Both girls and guys can be attracted to tomboys.

What Sexual Orientation is Tomboys?

Tomboy is not a sexual orientation it is a way of dressing. A Tomboy is a girl that dresses like a boy.

Does Jaden Smith like girlygirls or tomboys?

he loves tomboys and hate girlygirls

Are PE teachers tomboys?

Some p.e. teachers can be tomboys but a lot of them really do have a "girly" life outside of school. I know a PE teacher that actually dates another PE teacher. So not all PE teachers are tomboys, even though it may seem like it.

Do tomboys draw?

They can.

Does Bryan breeding like girls who are tomboys or girly?

he like tomboys and girly girls and he is single too

Does alex wolff like tomboys or girly girls?

i think he like any tip of girl that act like there self and not someone else

How do you empress a boy?

Find out what he likes and if he likes tomboys or girlie girls. Be what he likes. Do what he likes. Find his favorits and if you they aren't so bad maby make them your favorits.