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yes they get jumped

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Q: Did the twins from bad girl club get jumped?
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Who will replace the twins on bad girls club?

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Who is the baddest bad girl of season 8?

Elease Donovan, because she was jumped by 6 girls, and still made it to the end. She made history on Bad Girls Club. She took some beatings like a G. She's of the hottest bad girl ever to step in, in the bad girls house. She's the bad girl, who was in the most physical fights ever!. She was in total 18 fights! That's the reason why she is the baddest from season 8.

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The girl on the former show "Bad Girls Club" is Cocktail.

Should you let your girl work at a club?

Depends on what club that your girl works. Some place are dangerous and bad things can happen easily so I recommend not to let your girl work at a club.

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What is char in bad girl club last name?

Her full name is Charmaine Warren.

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Her name is ashley, shes really pretty kinda favors trina, the rapper

What is Morgan's lat name from bad girl's club Miami?

her last name is Osman according to Wikipedia