If you have Comprehensive Coverage on your Auto Insurance policy, you will be covered. They will either repair the vehicle or compensate you for the loss of the vehicle if it is not repairable.
I think your car insurance will cover that.
No. Liability Insurance or commonly known as Third-party Insurance does not cover damages against fire for your own car. If you want coverage against fire for your own car, you should opt for a Comprehensive Car Insurance Policy as this policy offers all-round protection to you and your car.
yes you can take third party insurance cover for you & your car. where the premium is very less...which will not cover your car damage , fire & theft.
Car insurance covers you for accidents, fire and theft of your vehicle depending on what type of insurance you take out. You will need to get a quote from a car insurance company to find out how much your insurance will cost and what it will cover you for in the event of needing to make a claim.
Yes, that would be under your comprehensive coverage.
No, diamond car insurance don't cover the loss of jewerly. They cover different kind of insurance like car insurance, home insurance and travel insurance.
Vehicle ChangeYes. If you no longer need coverage on the old car and have obtained another vehicle, just contact your insurer, they will be happy to do a vehicle change for you on your policy. AnswerI think u need to be more specific on your question. If you had a car insured and it caught fire and is no longer drivable and you have another car you can switch your insurance over to that car. i hope you had insurance on the one that did catch fire cause you might be able to get a settlement depending on all your terms and condition's of your insurance.
No, unfortunately it does not. Your homeowners insurance covers damage to your home. Your auto insurance covers damage to your car.
No, Flood insurance will not cover your Automobile. Your Comprehensive Auto Insurance will cover flood damage to your Car.
Comprehensive auto insurance will cover a driver for car accidents and injury caused by them. It will also cover damage from weather incidents, vandalism and fire, as well as theft.
The types of car insurance cover that is available from The Travelers Indemnity Company include bodily injury, property damage, medical payments, and damage from fire and theft.
Esure car insurance covers damage to your car, fire and theft, windscreen damage, breakdown assistance, personal injury among other things. Esure seems like a safe insurance company.