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Your are insured. I just called 3 agents. Progressive, Geico, and all-state.

Again, every state is different. In Wisconsin, the insurance follows the car, so if you borrow someone's car, you are borrowing their insurance. This means that if you lend your car to someone, and they have an at-fault accident, your insurance will be primary (theirs is secondary), and it is likely your insurance rates that will be affected!

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Q: You are driving a friends car but your car has insurance and his car has his insurance will you be covered?
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What happens if you are driving a friends car who has insurance are you covered?

As long as you have a license. The insurance follows the vehicle, not the driver.

If someone is driving your car and you do not have them on your insurance and they get into accident are you covered?

Although it depends on your insurance, the driver is covered if driving with your permission.

If your husband has his own insurance for his vehicle and you exclude him the insurance on your car will he be covered by his insurance if he was driving your car and had an accident?

You have to list the drivers covered to drive your car on the policy. If not he is not covered.

You have no car or insurance if you drive a friends car are you covered by their insurance?

Provided that there are no exclusions in your friends policy, anybody driver their car with permission will be covered if they cause an accident. You are of course subject to the coverages and limits on your friends policy. Ex, if your friend has just liability, the insurance company will only pay for damages you cause to the other party, not damage to the vehicle you were driving.

Are you covered on a family member's car insurance?

Yes you are covered on a family members car insurance if you are driving a vehicle owned and insured by them.....

What happens if your child is driving a friends car without permission and is involved in a car accident and your child does not have car insurance?

If your child has a license the insurance on the car will probably cover it. The company can take the position that they were not supposed to be driving it and are not covered in which case it would come back to you because the child is underage.

If you are riding in a car and an adult is driving are you covered by insurance in case of an accident?

Only if the car you are riding in has insurance coverage.

Whose auto insurance will cover you if driving another person?

This depends on the insurance policy. Usually your car is covered, no matter who is driving it. However, if you are driving a car and the owner doesn't have insurance, then your insurance would pay if you got in an accident.

You sustained injuries while driving a friends car does their insurance cover your pain and suffering?

Whether the drivers injures are covered under the insurance depends on the type of insurance carried. It also depends on if the wreck was their fault or not.

Do your parents have to add you to their insurance when you get your permit?

Answer If you don't have your own car and you are going to be driving their car, yes they have to add you to their car insurance or you won't be covered..

I was driving my friends vehicle that he lent to me i have my license but do not own a car My friends vehicle was found to have expired insurance and i got a court date had no idea any way out?

you must have your own insurance on the vehical to be covered, if you did not have insurance you are braking the law and therefore no there is now way out.

Would a suspended license driver be covered under full coverage car insurance?

Not in Canada. If your license is suspended, then any insurance claim that resulted from you driving while suspended would not be covered. If the car was damaged and it was parked and not being operated, then that is covered. But not if you are driving it.