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The question is too general to properly answer. The issue your question seems to be really directeed to is the insured's liability for negligence. It is possible that you could be held responsible for the acts of another authorized to use your vehicle if the driver causes an accident that results in damage to persons or property; including your own vehicle. I suggest that you augment the question with fact specific information. In short, what happened? Which State did the accident happen? Did the accident occur in the same State your residence is and where you entered into the contract of insurance? What type of damage was there and have you or someone else made a claim for policy coverage. The answers to these questions are some of the things necessary to give you an accurate answer. They are examples of some of the questions for information that would be needed.

Tort law[civil wrong] and contract law may differ by state. The best answer to your question as posed is to speak with a lawyer of your choice in the area you live that you believe to be competent in the field of auto accidents and seek advice.

A helpful hint: most state and local bar associations have web sites and toll free telephone numbers for legal assistance for people who lack the means to hire a lawyer. The lawyers in the United States have Pro Bono programs set up in each state which means that if you cannot afford a lawyer's fee for consultation, lawyers will donate their time to help you. They also have referral programs with toll free numbers.

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Q: Will your insurance go up if someone else is driving it and gets in an accident?
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If you are driving someone else's car does your liability insurance pay repairs to the vehicle you are driving?

No, liability insurance is when there are injuries involved. If you are injured in an accident when someone else is driving your car, your liability insurance would cover your medical costs. Comprehensive and collision insurance on the car you were driving should pay for damages to the vehicle.

What if you are driving someone else's car and you get in an accident that is your fault?

Their insurance would be primary and your insurance would be considered secondary when filing a claim.

If someone else was driving your car and got into an accident does the person who owns the car's insurance go up?


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Are there policies or companies that cover anyone driving your vehicle?

If you have insurance on your car, and someone else is driving it, and has an accident your insurance rate will go up but it will cover the damages to the other persons vehicle.

If you have an accident while driving someone else's car does it effect your own insurance?

it might not affect you current policy but after renewal the points you received in that accident with Hurt you.

Am I insured if I have an accident while driving some else's car?

If you have insurance yourself you are insured to drive someones car. If you have an accident your insurance will cover it.

What type of car insurance is needed if you injure someone else in an accident?

naidu insurance

Will my car insurance be affected if I am a named driver on someone else's insurance and they need to claim their insurance?

No. As long as you were not involved in the accident then it shouldn't affect your driving record. You must also not be the owner of the vehicle that was involved in the claim.

If someone else gets a ticket while driving your car will your insurance go up?

If they were driving it with your knowledge or permission, yes. Actually, no it won't. Each person is liable for their own actions, regardless of the car they are in. The driver's insurance will go up and would also be liable for any criminal acts. I would assume that if someone else is involved in an accident, while driving your car, your rates will go up? Your insurance will NOT be affected if someone used your car and got a citation BUT,,, If they had an accident and had NO insurance YOU would be involved. If your registration and or insurance is not up to date, you and the driver will pay some fines and get violation points for the above.

Would I be responsible if someone else is driving my car and they get into accident?

No. The driver is responsible.

What happens to the owner of a car that gets into an accident with someone else driving there uninsured car?

They will have to take the uninsured driver to court. Or if you have uninsured driver policy with your insurance, they will pay it.