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Q: If someone else was driving your car and got into an accident does the person who owns the car's insurance go up?
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If your car was in an accident and the other person driving was at fault. Who's insurance should pay for your car damage?

the insurance of the person responsible for the accident

If you have an accident while driving another person's car will your insurance or the owner's pay the claim?

Auto Insurance follows the car not the driver. My son's girlfriend was driving his car when they where in an accident and his insurance was responsible.

What does it mean when someone is excluded from an auto insurance policy?

By excluding a person from an auto insurance policy, you are stating that the "excluded" person will not drive the insured vehicle, and that you understand that the "excluded" person is not covered by your insurance in the case of any traffic violation (accident, ticket, etc.). It means there is no coverage available to the excluded person in the case of an accident while driving the said vehicle. There will be NO COVERAGE.

Will my insurance go up if someone is driving my car without a license?

They wouldn't know someone was driving your car without a license so it would go up. However, if they have a wreck in your car the insurance company will most likely not cover the accident because the person didn't have a license.

Whose auto insurance will cover you if driving another person?

This depends on the insurance policy. Usually your car is covered, no matter who is driving it. However, if you are driving a car and the owner doesn't have insurance, then your insurance would pay if you got in an accident.

Is your insurance liable if your vehicle wasn't involved in a fatal accident?

If you were driving someone elses vehicle and involved in an accident whether it be fatal or not then the person who owns the vehicle should have insurance on it and then the accident would be covered on that policy but if it goes over the amount that they have then its possible for yours to kick in and pay any extra.

If someone else drives your car and gets in an accident are you responsible?

In Massachusetts the answer is YES. If more than one person is going to be driving your car then you have to have the appropriate insurance for that person. The laws do vary from state to state so check with your insurance company.

Do you have to be married or a direct family member to be on someone else's insurance?

ANSWER:Sorry you can not. It's just like driving a car, if you have a friend in your car and you had an accident, the insurance company can not take care of that person because he or she is not insured in your policy..

Who would be liable if you were driving a friend's vehicle and got into an accident and they did not have insurance?

The driver's insurance would then be considered "secondary," meaning if the owner of the auto didn't have insurance, then if the person driving the car had insurance, they would be liable.

If someone else gets a ticket while driving your car will your insurance go up?

If they were driving it with your knowledge or permission, yes. Actually, no it won't. Each person is liable for their own actions, regardless of the car they are in. The driver's insurance will go up and would also be liable for any criminal acts. I would assume that if someone else is involved in an accident, while driving your car, your rates will go up? Your insurance will NOT be affected if someone used your car and got a citation BUT,,, If they had an accident and had NO insurance YOU would be involved. If your registration and or insurance is not up to date, you and the driver will pay some fines and get violation points for the above.

Can car insurance companies charge the passenger for the drivers fault in an accident?

No. The person driving is the responsible party.

Do you insure the car or the person?

You insure a car for a person or persons, so that in the event of a accident with that car, insurance can be claimed only if a named driver on the insurance was driving at that time.