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ANY driver with permission to drive that car by the owner is covered under that car's insurance policy. Insurance goes with the car...not the driver.

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Q: Will AARP cover a minor accident if someone else was driving your car?
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Does insurance cover a minor driving after curfew if they are in an accident?

Yes. If they are on your policy they HAVE to cover it. Hope this Helps!

Does homeowners cover golf cart accident on your property if a minor was driving and another adult was supervising?

yes it is

Can someone with liability only on a company vehicle involved in a minor accident driving to their home file a claim?

What would you file a claim for? The vehicle is not yours and it's a minor accident with no injuries, so you have no loss.

What is the meaning of 'comprehensive maintenance'?

Its a full service maintenance contract for a year which covers all the major and minor breakdown of the fleet but will not cover if accident occured due to reckless driving.

What if you are a licensed minor driving your parents uninsured car and get into an accident where you were at fault should the judgment be placed on the minor or the parents?

You should get in trouble because you caused the accident.

What is minor accident?

A fender bender is a minor accident.

Can you claim to an auto insurance if you had a minor car accident but you don't have a driver's license but your car insurance its on your dad's name?

Driving without a license is a crime. If you report that you where driving your dad's care without a license, you could get yourself into trouble, and put your dad's rates though the roof. Do not call the insurance company and tell them you where driving unlicensed. If you have your permit, and where driving legally with a licensed driver, and you had an accident in your dad's car, yes, you can report it and his insurance may cover it if he has that type of policy. If anything, your dad could report that he had the accident, though that would be dishonest.

What are those sufffering an accident called?

A victim is someone that has suffered from an accident. Whether the injuries were serious or minor, the person that did not cause the accident is often entitled to damages and funds for pain and suffering.

Should you hire an attorney for a careless driving ticket which involved an accident with 4 people with minor whip lash?

Yes, you should.

If a 15 year old unlicensed minor learning to drive with an uninsured adult has an accident who is liable the parents of the minor or the uninsured driving instructor?

The owner of the vehicle is usually held liable.

How long after a minor accident does the other party have to claim before?

You have 1 Year after a minor accident to have a claim

If you are in a minor accident and both parties do not file a claim to either insurance companies but a police report was made does this still go on your driving record?

In what locality?