Yes, with the VIN you can find the history of the car.
VIN # check at the DMV
no way
The vin number on a car tells alot like what the body shape is the engine where it was built and by what company but the answer is no because the vin does not state what the car is used for.
Car fax is were you look up vin and it tell you what you need to know about the car title and own how own and what is wrong about the car and it about how to get the car
Go to "" & enter your VIN code.....
yes the 8th digit of the vin on American cars will tell you the engine size.
The VIN number on the car will tell you exactly what it is. Post the VIN and I can decode it for you.
VIN stands for vehicle identification number. Each car is given a unique VIN number. If the vehicle is lost or stolen, this unique number can be used to locate the car.
The 10th character tell the production year of the vin. see link below.
Just call any dealership. The VIN will tell them everything - including interior carpet color!