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i would like a little more information here....are you saying that your tire separated, then your vehicle (due to the tire separation) was involved in an accident? if that is the question, would more than likely be under the collision coverage of your policy dependant upon what you hit rather than the comp coverage....also would typcially cover the ''insueing damage'' not the other words, the tire wouldn't be covered, but rest of damage after the tire would be .....if you have a decent claims department they should investigate the tire for defects and possibly 'subrogate' the tire manufactor

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Q: Will auto comprehensive cover damage to car caused by tire tread separation?
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It depends on how the damage was done by the bird.

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Uninsured will not cover this type of accident. Your comprehensive will cover this type of damage.

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Comprehensive auto insurance will cover a driver for car accidents and injury caused by them. It will also cover damage from weather incidents, vandalism and fire, as well as theft.

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NO, liability covers damage you do to someone else's property. Comprehensive insurance covers damage to your vehicle by someone else. If you have no comprehensive, then you will need to look to their insurance for recovery of damages.

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It depends what caused the separation. If it was from improper installation or a design flaw the damage will not be covered. However, if the damage was caused by a covered loss then the damage will be covered. Review the Perils Insured Against section of your policy to determine if the loss is covered. You may need to retain an engineer to determine the cause.

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If you have comprehensive coverage it will be covered. 'Flood' is a named peril listed in all auto policy contracts and most likely will be covered without a deductible.

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Yes, rodent damage would be covered under your comprehensive coverage, your deductible will be applied.

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That would count as comprehensive. Comprehensive covers any non-collision events such as theft, fire, and water damage.

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No, only "comprehensive" coverage would pay for that. Liabiility AKA PLPD AKA property damage and liability ONLY covers other vehicles you may damage in a crash YOU have caused.

If you hit a high water area and hydro planed and hit a tree will comprehensive insurance cover the damage?

Your collision coverage should pay for the damage caused by hitting the tree.Comprehensive insurance covers water damage, hail and flood. However, in your scenario, the damage was only indirectly caused by the water. Damage to your car caused by hitting another car or a fixed object is paid for by your collision coverage.

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