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If you have comprehensive coverage it will be covered. 'Flood' is a named peril listed in all auto policy contracts and most likely will be covered without a deductible.

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Q: If a flooded street caused engine damage will your insurance cover the damage?
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Does car insurance cover damage caused by a siezed engine?

No. Insurance does not cover mechanical problems.

Does auto insurance cover internal engine damage?

Only if it was caused by a collision or sabotage.

Why does my engine knock after my husband drove it through a flooded street?

Possible internal engine damage.

Does auto insurance usually cover physical damage to the engine?

Auto insurance covers damage caused during an accident. If the engine is damaged during an accident that's covered. If it's damaged for any other reason then that isn't covered.

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No. But if you have proof positive that the mechanic caused the damage, HIS insurance will cover the repairs. Call your local office of the State Attorney General.

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Will insurance pay for a car motor damaged from a flood?

Engine, not motor, and that depends on your insurance policy. If you don't have flood insurance specifically, flood damage is typically not covered.

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