If the occurrence is not a traffic accident then it will most likely be a comprehensive claim and therefore if you have comprehensive coverage then you will pay your comprehensive deductible. The comp deductible is usually the lower of the two deductibles.
The identified third party at fault is responsible for paying the deductible in the event of a motor vehicle accident.
If you are at fault, your policy will pay for the other person's damage under your property damage coverage. If you have collision coverage, you will have to pay your deductible if you are at fault.
A premium is the amount of money you pay the auto/health insurance company monthly, quarterly, or biannually whether or not you get in an accident or go to the hospital. The higher your premium the lower your deductible, and the lower your premium the higher your deductible. A deductible is the amount of money after you get in a car accident or visit the hospital before your insurance company pays anything. After you have met your deductible the insurance company covers the rest of the expenses.
The deductible at the time of the accident not the time of claim.
There is not deductible with liability insurance coverage. Liability pays the party who is not fault for their damages without a deductible. If you were at fault collision would pay for damages to your vehicle but you will have a deductible of whatever you selected when you purchased the insurance policy.
No, you have to pay your deductible.
The employer
If the party who caused the accident is not located, then you probably will have to fork over your standard deductible.
do you have to meet a deductible at the first of the year for an eye examine?
You do not pay a deductible for the car that you hit. Your liability coverage does not have a deductible.