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Q: What type of coverage usually pays 100 percent with no deductible applied up to a specified dollar amount?
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What type of coveage usually pays 100 percent with no deductible applied?

worker's compensation

Future mammograms will cost 30 percent of the Medicare approved amount with no Part B deductible true or false?

This is neither true nor false. There is no way to predict the exact cost and coverage of a future medical procedure.

How do you describe cloud coverage?

Cloud coverage can be described in percent and decimal.


by a specified amount in or for every hundred.

What is broad collision insurance?

Broad form Collision Coverage is a form of automobile insurance available only in the state of Michigan. Just as with regular collision coverage, the policy helps to pay for the repair or replacement if the insured vehicle strikes another vehicle, another object, or if it rolls over. The difference with the Broad form policy is that benefits are paid in the event of a collision regardless of which driver is at fault in the accident. Typically a Broad form Collision Coverage policy will pay only for the actual cash value of the vehicle insured. The policy holder is responsible for a deductible in an amount selected during the policy negotiation process. If the policy holder is found to be more than 50 percent responsible for an automobile collision, the policy holder is then responsible for the amount of the chosen deductible. However, if the policy holder is less than 50 percent responsible for the incident, they will not have to pay the deductible amount.

What percent drop for kuro's weapon-AQworlds?

The percent drop was never specified.

What is 5 percent coverage on a printing page?

Fiver percent coverage is the average ink coverage on an A4 sheet. It's used to estimate the amount of pages an ink cartridge or toner cartridge can produce.

What is 92 percent of 250 percent?

Well, 92 percent of 250 is 230. You cannot take the percent of a percernt if the actual beginning number is not specified :-0

About what percent of premiums do you pay for high deductible insurance compared to low deductible insurance?

It really is not possible to define that in percentages. But think of it this way, the higher the deductible ( the amount you pay BEFORE the insurance company begins to pay ) the lower the premium. Just do the math, if you are taking a $2,000 deductible over a $1,000 deductible , but you are only saving $200 a year, it is not a good choice. You are basically putting yourself on the hook for potentially another $1,000 in deductible to save $200.

You don't want your employers insurance and it's 20000. deductible do you have to have was made to sign up?

I never heard of a $20,000 deductible plan. How were you "made" to sign up? What percent of the premium is the Employer paying? What State are you in?

What is the interest on 25000 euro at 1.5 percent?

375 Euros for that period (not specified)

Can you say they are 10 percent and 15 percent individually?

No, because you have not specified what or who THEY are. It is, therefore, totally incorrect to refer to THEY in those circumstances.No, because you have not specified what or who THEY are. It is, therefore, totally incorrect to refer to THEY in those circumstances.No, because you have not specified what or who THEY are. It is, therefore, totally incorrect to refer to THEY in those circumstances.No, because you have not specified what or who THEY are. It is, therefore, totally incorrect to refer to THEY in those circumstances.