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"Fleet Policy" rules are defined by the insurance company. Some common rules:

  • Drivers must be employed by the company to be covered (some exceptions are possible)
  • All Drivers to be covered must supply a Drivers Record for review
  • The insurance Company will have final decision on what drivers will be permitted to drive company vehicles
  • It is possible to get Fleet coverage on Loaner vehicles for repair facilities, but it is silly expensive.
  • It is possible for a Repair shop to have a Fleet policy that covers customer vehicle's.
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Q: Who is covered on a fleet policy?
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The distance covered by the First Fleet was about 24 000 kilometres, or 15 000 miles.

Is a work trailor cover by homeowners insurance?

No a work trailer would not be covered by your homeowners insurance. Anything used in a business is not covered under your homeowners insurance. A trailer to be attached to a vehicle would be covered for liability extended from whatever it is attached to but physical damage for the trailer itself would have to be purchased on a separate policy or a commercial fleet policy.

Are you required to be on car insurance policy to be covered?

Yes. If you're not on the policy... you're not covered

Can I take individual policy for my kids?

Usually children are not covered individually in a policy but can be covered by parents in their own health policy.

Is your car covered by homeowners insurance on their property?

No. Your Car is covered by your Auto Insurance Policy. It is never covered by a homeowners policy no matter whose property it is on.

If i drive my moms car and i live with her but im not on the policy and i get in an accident is the car covered?

If you are a licensed driver but not listed on the policy the vehicle will not be covered. If you are not licensed it will be covered.

What are the benefits of Fleet car insurance?

The benefits of Fleet car insurance is that you can have four or more vehicles under a single insurance policy. It allows you to manage one policy for all vehicles instead of having a separate policy for each vehicle.

Does insurance cover a minor driver who is not on your policy?

If they are not on your policy then they are not covered.

Is your child covered on insurance if not listed on policy?

I highly doubt it. If the child is not on the policy, then sorry to say, they're not covered. You will need to go in and put them on the policy, if you want that is...

You are insured as a second driver if you have an accident will you be covered?

As long as you are listed as a driver on the policy and an accident occurs in a covered vehicle, then yes you will be covered under the terms and conditions of the policy just as any other driver on the policy.

What is the difference between insured and insurer?

The insured is the person or entity who is covered by the insurance policy. The insurer is the entity (insurance company)that pays to, or on behalf, of the insured for a covered loss. That which is covered by the policy is set forth in the insurance policy.

What is The different between insurer and insured?

The insured is the person or entity who is covered by the insurance policy. The insurer is the entity (insurance company)that pays to, or on behalf, of the insured for a covered loss. That which is covered by the policy is set forth in the insurance policy.