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I highly doubt it. If the child is not on the policy, then sorry to say, they're not covered. You will need to go in and put them on the policy, if you want that is...

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Q: Is your child covered on insurance if not listed on policy?
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If you only carry liability insurance on a vehicle can you let your child drive it if they do not live with you?

All drivers should be listed on your policy to be a covered driver. you should add your child to your auto policy for proper coverage.

If your non-household child drives your car with permission is he covered by your auto insurance?

Yes, however the child should be listed on someones policy as a driver. If the child drives your vehicle with any frequency and is not listed on the other parents policy then I would highly recommend adding them to your policy and pay the extra premium.

Whose medical insurance covers your child if both parents are insured?

In order for your child to have insurance coverage, your child would need to be listed as a covered person on the policy, and a premium would need to have been collected for the child. Even if both parents are insured, if your child isn't on the policy and has not been considered as a portion of the premium, then there is no coverage.

Is your child covered on your auto insurance if you give them permission to drive your car?

If you have them listed as a driver on your policy then yes they will be covered. If you do not have them listed on the policy then you have violated a primary term of the policy and committed material misrepresentation. When this happens the insurance company has the right and often does deny the claim. You have not abided by the contract terms where you agreed to list all household members above 15 years old and have not paid any premium to cover the child driving a vehicle.

If you loan your car to a step-child who does not live with you will the insurance company cover in case of an accident?

Anyone you give permission to is covered on your policy. Family members are certainly covered, even step children no living with you. Do not use this availability as primary insurance for them though. They should be listed on the residential parent's policy.

Is my window covered for the damages?

The ability to collect on a claim on your homeowners' policy will be determined by an insurance claims adjuster after consulting your policy. The broken window may, or may not be covered if your child broke it.

Is a 35 year old son considered a child and must be added to your car insurance if he lives with you?

If he lives in your household he should be listed on your insurance policy. If your son does not live with you but sometimes drives your vehicles he should be listed on your policy and his address should be listed as a secondary garaging address.

A minor child with no license hit my car will her parents auto insurance repair my car?

As the driver is a minor child, the Custodial Parent or other Custodial Entity is Financially Liable for the acts of the minor child. An auto accident may or may not be covered under the Custodians Auto insurance Policy depending on whether the child is covered or excluded from coverage on that Policy.

Does your homeowner insurance cover your child's instrument while traveling?

Call your company and find out. Were you traveling with it in the car? Then it would be covered in your car insurance? Are other items in your policy covered when you're away?

Are parents responsible for their adult child's medical bills if they aren't legally responsible for the child?

Not unless they are still listed on the insurance policy. Under the new laws in the US, they can be on the policy until they turn 26.

If teenager isn't on insurance are they covered by parents policy?

NO, All drivers are required to carry insurance and be scheduled on an auto insurance policy. if he's not on the policy then he is not a covered driver. Although your company may be required to pay for an accident in which your uninsured teenager is involved. they would not be paying because he was covered, but rather they would have to pay due to the parents negligence in failing to obtain proper insurance for their teenage child and because they allowed the uninsured child to drive the vehicle. The insurer is often liable to pay for the negligence of the insured. Don't confuse this though with an assumption that the uninsured child was somehow covered simply because the insurer had to pay.

Is my son covered on my policy with his learner's permit?

Most insurance companies will automatically insure a child in your home with a learners permit. It is best to check with your insurance company to be sure.