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As the driver is a minor child, the Custodial Parent or other Custodial Entity is Financially Liable for the acts of the minor child. An auto accident may or may not be covered under the Custodians Auto insurance Policy depending on whether the child is covered or excluded from coverage on that Policy.

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Q: A minor child with no license hit my car will her parents auto insurance repair my car?
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Do the parents insurance go up if the child is 16 and gets a drivers license but does not drive the parents car?

If a child has a driver's license, the child has to be listed as a driver somewhere on an insurance policy. The child can have their own policy and then the parents rates would not go up. Usually it is less expensive for a child to be listed on a parents policy rather than getting their own policy. If the child truly is not driving a household vehicle than the only way for that child to not be rated is to turn in the driver's license. That should be fine since the child "isn't driving anyway". The child can still get a state I.D. that isn't a driver's license. If the child isn't going to drive there is no reason to list them. The previous is correct, just should have gotten an I.D. and not a drivers license. It may depend on the country or state. Where I am the insurance company would have no way of knowning if someone in you house got a drivers license without you letting them know.

Could a child have his parents driver's license suspended?


What if your license can be canceled if you?

Your license can be canceled if you do not have proof of insurance or if you have unpaid tickets or fines. Your license can also be canceled if you are behind in child support payments in Florida.

Can you keep the health insurance you get from your parents if you get married?

It depends on the insurance company, but I personally have never known of a company that would allow a parent to continue to carry insurance on a child after that child married, because at that point, you are no longer a 'dependant' of your parents.

Is a non licensed child that drives parents car covered under parents insurance?

No, the unlicensed child is not covered under the parents policy unless that child is a scheduled driver on the parents policy. It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle on public roads with out a drivers license. Most parents already know that. It is also illegal to operate that vehicle on public roads without proof of financial responsibility. Fortunately the Parents are insured for acts of negligence in allowing the unlicensed child to illegally operate the vehicle. So basically the child is not a covered driver. Now the Insurance company will most likely pay a claim or loss if the unlicensed uninsured child has an accident. The claim would be paid not because the child was covered but rather the Insurer would be paying a negligence claim against the covered parents.

How old can a child be and stay on parents health insurance?

It depends, I am 20 and still on my parents insurance, But i am also a full time student. I also have to say that I am still living in my parents home.

If a 17-year-old has his own insurance in North Carolina will his parents' insurance premiums go up?

That depends on weather or not your 17 year old has their insurance on the parents policy. It will go up if the child is on the parents policy, but if the child has their own policy, it won't. But it will be cheaper if the child is added on to the parents policy. My husband is a North Carolina State Trooper so I know alot about insurance. Also, call around and go online for the cheapest rates.

Can a 15 year old with a learners permit get car insurance?

Check with your insurance company, but in most states they are covered under the parents' policy at no charge until they get their license. You should tell your insurance company that your child does have a permit to insure proper coverage Try this site where you can get quotes from different companies

If a child has insurance on one of the parents cars but drives the other parents car is she still insured?

No, the child needs to drive the other car. No, the child needs to drive the other car.

In Tennessee if you have a disabled parent can you get a drivers license at fourteen and a half?

Yes, there are some cases where a child of disabled parents can get a drivers license at the age of 14. The license is called a hardship license.

Whose medical insurance covers your child if both parents are insured?

In order for your child to have insurance coverage, your child would need to be listed as a covered person on the policy, and a premium would need to have been collected for the child. Even if both parents are insured, if your child isn't on the policy and has not been considered as a portion of the premium, then there is no coverage.

In NC is it legal for my child to drive uninsured when he has his license if I am in the car with him and have insurance on the car?

Insurance is issued on the vehicle, not the driver. If your child, properly licensed, is driving with you in the front passenger seat, the vehicle and its passengers are covered.