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NO, All drivers are required to carry insurance and be scheduled on an auto insurance policy. if he's not on the policy then he is not a covered driver. Although your company may be required to pay for an accident in which your uninsured teenager is involved. they would not be paying because he was covered, but rather they would have to pay due to the parents negligence in failing to obtain proper insurance for their teenage child and because they allowed the uninsured child to drive the vehicle.

The insurer is often liable to pay for the negligence of the insured. Don't confuse this though with an assumption that the uninsured child was somehow covered simply because the insurer had to pay.

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Q: If teenager isn't on insurance are they covered by parents policy?
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Does a 15 and a half year old with a learners permit need his own insurance policy or is he covered under the parents policy?

He is covered under his parents' policy until he gets his own car and license.

Will insurance company cover damage to parents car when unlicensed teenager crashes?

No. Unless you had the teenager on your policy, but at the same time you knew that the teenager was unlicensed! So, get the teenager licensed and put him on your ins. policy and then teach him how to driver safely and not crash.

What happens if I get in an accident and only have your permit?

If you are in your parents vehicle and you are on their auto insurance policy, you would be covered.

Is it possible to have your name on your parents insurance policy if the car loan and the registration are in your name?

This is not a good idea. You need your own insurance policy. There are coverages you do not have by being on your parents policy. You want to be a "named insured". This means that you control the policy and not your parents. If you want to loan your car to anyone you can, if you are on your parents policy you cannot do this. Also if you need to rent a car, you are not covered under your parents policy to do this. You would be under your own policy. Contact your insurance agent for a better explanation.

Does Illinois have car insurance for teen drivers?

In answer to your question, teen drivers can get insurance in Illinois. However, they must be covered under their parents' auto insurance policy. The cost will be higher for the parents.

Do teenagers need insurance to drive the parents car?

yes, the premium will be astrononic, and some insurance firms will not add children to the exsiting parents policy, they will only insure the teenager in their own right.

Are you still covered under parents car insurance once married?

If you are still listed on their policy, yes.

Is teenage pregnancy covered under the parents health insurance policy?

Assuming the teen is covered under the policy before she gets pregnant and the plan does not exclude pregnancy for all then yes.

If YOU live in a different state can you still be on my parents insurance?

my son is on my auto insurance policy but he has moved to florida and I live in Michigan. Can he still be covered on my auto policy if he now lives in florida?

Can you use your parents' insurance policy to cover a car that's in your name?

Insurance Coverage on a Parents policy? Yes, So long as you are also listed by name as a covered driver on your parents Policy and your parents have an insurable interest in your vehicle. If you are a minor or a dependent still living at home then you might be able to get insurance cheaper through your parents than you could seperately. You "by name" would need to be added along with your vehicle to your parents policy to be an insured driver.

If you are taken off your parents insurance policy along with your car does that drop all the points on the insurance that you've accrued on that policy in New Jersey?

No, your points are not affected by the company, but by your driving record alone. The claims history of that policy will remain. But the parents policy premium will decrease significantly if the risk is no longer covered on their policy.