You are! For not being cautious when reversing on to a road. You should make sure that it is safe and clear when reversing, if you hit another car it is your fault and not the person that is driving on the roads fault.
The backing car is at fault
who cares they both go 2 court!!!
The reversing car attempting to park would be at fault. The car already traveling in the road would have the right of way since they are already properly in motion and traveling in the correct direction of traffic.. The reversing car would be traveling against the flow of traffic and has an obligation to ensure that the way is clear before reversing.
You are at fault - The charge where I one worked was, "Backing Without Caution."
If you reverse your car and then collide with a parked car , the person who did the reversing is at fault.
If your car was already in the street when the other driver backed into you, it sounds like it's more his fault then yours. Unless there's serious damage to your car, the best thing would probably be to treat it as a shared-fault accident. Each driver pay for their own damage. No sense creating animosity with a neighbor over a mistake.
Your fault, your problem! Any amount of damage above the limits of your insurance policy is your responsibility. Pay attention when you drive!
Car A is at fault b/c Car B has the rightaway.
Yes, the reversing vehicle must always give way.
That depends on the circumstances involved. If you are causing a dangerous situation by blocking traffic, etc. you may be found to be partially at fault.
The severity of the damage does not determine fault. The facts of the loss and the point of impact will help determine fault.