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That depends on the circumstances involved. If you are causing a dangerous situation by blocking traffic, etc. you may be found to be partially At Fault.

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Q: Who's at fault when when you are reversing into your driveway and a car hits you?
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Car is reversing out of driveway into public road into path of car which hits the back of the reversing car?

The backing car is at fault

What if a car hits you as you back into your driveway?

if you're reversing into your driveway and someone hits you its their fault. you were moving away and they wern't paying attention. Now if you went back into the street to straighten out and back back in then it might be your fault, but if you were reversing the whole way and never came back out of your driveway it would be theirs

If a car is on main highway and a car pulls out of a hidden driveway and hits the car on the highway whos fault is it?

The car that was in the hidden driveway.

Who fault is it when someone is pulling out of the driveway and hits another car?

The person pulling out of the driveway is at fault.

Who is at fault when someone is backing out of a driveway and hits a car semi blocking that driveway?

The car that is moving is normally the one at fault. No matter how someone is positioned you should not drive into them (going forward or in reverse). It therefore seems to me that the car backing out of the driveway is at fault.

If you pass a car and he hits you in the rear end after you passed him whos fault is it?

YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because you passed him.

Who is at fault when car hits a car parked illegally on the public street by driveway?

I'm from Michigan, so it is no one's fault HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH.

Who is at fault if a car hits a child on a bike that just came out of a driveway in Georgia?

If the child was following the rules of the road the striking vehicle is at fault.

Who is at fault when car reversing into space hits a car in road?

The reversing car attempting to park would be at fault. The car already traveling in the road would have the right of way since they are already properly in motion and traveling in the correct direction of traffic.. The reversing car would be traveling against the flow of traffic and has an obligation to ensure that the way is clear before reversing.

When backing out of a driveway with a parked car directly opposite the driveway on a two lane road who is responsible if the car that is backing up hits the parked car?

The car in motion is ALWAYS at fault when it hits a stationary vehicle.

Whose fault is it if you were turning left into an ally and someon from the adjacent street turns right and hits you whos fault is it?

if you where paying attention when you turned then it the other pesons falt but if you weren't then is your fault.

Who is at fault when a vehicle makes a left turn into a driveway and the car behind passes and hits the car turning?

The rear car would be at fault for not making a safe pass.