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I'm from Michigan, so it is no one's fault HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH.

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Q: Who is at fault when car hits a car parked illegally on the public street by driveway?
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If your car is parked illegally and someone is driving down a one way street drunk the wrong way and hits your car are they responsible to pay for the car or are you because your car was illegally?

The owner of the illegally parked vehicle may be ticketed, but the "at fault" driver is responsible for the damages to the parked vehicle.

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It is almost impossible to assign fault to a parked car, even if it is illegally parked.

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It is not legal to cover or obscure reflectors on a car parked on a public street anywhere in North America.

Is it illegal to park across the street from a driveway?

In most places, it is legal to park across the street from a driveway as long as you are not blocking the driveway or impeding access to it. It is important to check local parking regulations, as some areas may have specific rules regarding parking near driveways.

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You can't do this.

When do you have to have car insurance?

If you are driving a car or have it parked on a public street or parking lot then it must have insurance

Can you park your car on your driveway with no insurance?

You can park your vehicle on your property with no insurance. HOWEVER, in some cities you must have a current license plate on your vehicle for it to be parked in the driveway and to have a current plate, you are required to have insurance. The issue here is the driveway and what can be seen from the street. Unlicensed vehicles in a driveway could be viewed as a "junkyard", "car lot" etc

When reversing out driveway at night hit a car parked opposite driveway obscuring driveway and no lights on and no street lights?

You have no claim against the other car's owner ! It's up to you to make sure your way is clear when reversing. If the lighting was that bad, you should have had someone guide you out of the driveway. The lesson to learn is - reverse into your driveway - then you'll never need to reverse onto the road !

What is the definition for street racing?

Street racing: The act of racing two or more automobiles (or motorcycles)on a public street. In most cases illegally and without authorization.

Do you have to have a tag on a vehicle that you don't drive?

If the vehicle is parked on a public street, you need a tag. If it is on private property you don't.

Are there laws for cars parked on a public street leaking oil and or other fluids?

No there is currently no laws regulating a vehicle with an oil leak on a public roadway.

Who is at fault is a moving vehicle hits a non moving vehicle that is legally parked on the street?

Of course it seems like the moving vehicle is. They should have left a note if they were an individual with morals and who would'nt like that to be done to them. ADDITIONAL INFO: Though each accident is handled on a case by case basis, generally the operator of the moving vehicle would be at fault, however instances where a vehicle is illegally parked or grossly impeding traffic may warrant further investigation. In such cases it would be possible to make a case for the illegally parked vehicle be at fault. In such a case of an illegally parked vehicle the owner of the vehicle, even if not deemed at fault, would more than likely at least receive a citation. If such action occurred, then it would be easier for the operator of the moving vehicle, even though they were determined to be at fault, to make a case that if the illegally parked vehicle were not illegally parked in the first place then the accident would have never happened.