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Car A is At Fault b/c Car B has the rightaway.

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Q: In parking garage - car A reversing from spot - half way out of spot car B comes around the corner - the cars collide - rear of car A and front of car B - who's at fault?
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What is the modifier in the sentence 'Driving slowly around the corner Mary searched for a parking space'?

The modifier in the sentence is "Driving slowly around the corner". It provides additional information about how Mary was driving while searching for a parking space.

What does No parking here to corner mean?

It means you may not park your car between the sign that says "No parking here to corner" and the corner.

How close can you park to a corner?

depends on parking vichel

When parking near a corner how close to it In Texas?

Your vehicle may be no closer than 25' from the corner.

Who is at fault when one car hits another car on the drivers side in a parking lot?

This is a little confusing and incomplete. It would depend on how it happened, who had the right away, did they back into your drivers side, or come down a lane while you were pulling out and hit you, or did they come around a corner and collide with all depends on how it happened. The location of the damage is not always determinative of fault.

Is it 'round the corner' or 'around the corner'?

around the corner.

What does No Parking to Corner mean?

Sort of obvious really - it simply means... no vehicles are allowed to park between the sign and the corner!

When parking near corner you may park your vehicle no closer then?

20 feet

When parking near a corner you may park your vehicle no closer then?

20 feet

What part of speech is corner in the sentence- around the corner was her mom?

In the sentence "around the corner was her mom," "corner" is a noun. It is the subject of the sentence.

Will driving school give me a practice driving test?

Most driving schools will give students a practice first. This generally consist of driving around the corner or a parking lot.

What are the rules for parking on corners?

Parking regulations for corners vary by location, but common rules include no parking within a specified distance from the corner to allow for visibility and turning. Typically, this distance is around 20-30 feet. It's important to always check local parking ordinances for specific guidelines in your area to avoid citations or towing.