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This is a little confusing and incomplete. It would depend on how it happened, who had the right away, did they back into your drivers side, or come down a lane while you were pulling out and hit you, or did they come around a corner and collide with all depends on how it happened. The location of the damage is not always determinative of fault.

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Q: Who is at fault when one car hits another car on the drivers side in a parking lot?
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The vehicle exiting the parking space that did not yield to oncoming traffic.

If you are parked at a curb in front of a house and a car across the street backs out of his drive way and hits your front left drivers side who is at fault?

If you were legally parked, the person backing up is at fault. If you were in a "No Parking" area, you are at fault.

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Not enough detail here to determine fault

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I beleive, whoever's car is moving (wheel-wise), is at fault.

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that person who hit you

Who is at fault if someone hits another car in a parking lot in Colorado?

This is not enough information to answer the question. If a car hits a parked vehicle then the moving vehicle would be at fault. If both vehicles are moving then the issue gets more complicating.

Who is at fault if someone hits another car in a parking lot in Texas?

It really depends on the circumstances, I would contact your claims department for more information.

If you are walking in a parking lot and a car backing out hits you who is at fault?

The guy that is walking.

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both because ur not quick enough ;) the other guy is thick cos he drove into you!! So more his fault!!

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Yes you can be at fault. You are supposed to turn your emergency lights on when you pull over to the side of the road to warn drivers.

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the car who bumped into you

Who is at fault when you are parking and someone backing out of their space hits you?

Whoever the police report charges with the accident.