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Whomever caused the accident is generally considered the at fault party. It does not matter whether or not your in a parking lot.

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Q: Who is at fault if you hit a car leaving a parking lot?
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Who is at fault if you are hit by a car that is backing out of a parking spot while you are leaving the parking lot going the wrong way?

Your mum, Steve.

Who is at fault if you hit a car that is blocking you from driving forward out of a parking spot?

Yours. If it was stationary and you hit it then it was your fault.

Who is at fault when a car hits a pedestrian in a parking lot?

that person who hit you

Who is at fault in a parking lot accident where one car was coming into the parking lot and then hit from the side by another car?

Its the person that hit the car coming in to the parking lot because probably the bad car was speeding. :)

Who is at fault when a parked car in parking lot is hit?

depends on whether or not the car is parked well. if the car is parked properly, in the right spot then it should be the car that hit it that is at fault.

Who is at fault if you were hit in a parking lot while parking if the car that hit you were on the wrong side of the parking lot and speeding?

The driver of the car that hit you would be at fault for failing to slow down and avoid hitting you, regardless of which side he or she was on. Parking lots are very dangerous places and people must slow down accordingly.

If someone hits your car in a parking lot and runs without leaving a note will your insurance premiums increase even though you are not at fault?

See if the place where you were hit at has cameras that survey the parking lot. Maybe you can see who hit you. Good luck and God Bless:)

Who is at fault if you hit a car that is backing out of a parking spot while you are leaving the parking lot?

Usually the driver of the vehicle at the rear, as he/she should be paying attention to what is ahead of them. If you saw him/her reversing out you should have stopped and waited. If you did and were stationary, then the person reversing out is at fault, but you would need witnesses to prove it.

Who is at fault if you roll back on a hill and hit a car while parking?

The general rule of thumb is that any car moving that hits a parked car is at fault.

I backed up in a parking lot to re-angle myself for a parking spot and hit a car behind me whos at fault?

You are.

Am i at fault hitting Car taking up two parking spaces?

Yes. You are always at fault when you hit a stationary object.

Who at fault when parelle parking cause an accident?

Same as if your not parallel parking. Whoever it was that hit the other car is liable for the damages and repairs.