It would be the person driving fault because it is like the same thing as driving and hitting someone.
The driver of the car that hit you would be at fault for failing to slow down and avoid hitting you, regardless of which side he or she was on. Parking lots are very dangerous places and people must slow down accordingly.
Really if car A was trying to get in at first then car B is at fault but if its the other way around then car A would be at fault because he/she knew that some was trying to get into that parking spot. Really if car A was trying to get in at first then car B is at fault but if its the other way around then car A would be at fault because he/she knew that some was trying to get into that parking spot.
Depends on the jurisdiction, but typically, two vehicles backing up is a 50/50.
If you strike him - you are at fault. He can be charged with the No Parking violation but YOU are charged with the collision.
Usually their is no fault associated with parking lots. I'm sure your insurance company looks at it as your fault.
You are at fault.
It is your fault.
It depends on local laws, but in most places the person who backed into the car is at fault since they had the last clear chance to prevent the collision.
Whomever caused the accident is generally considered the at fault party. It does not matter whether or not your in a parking lot.