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It is your fault.

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Q: I was legally parked in a parking space and a vehicle pulled up behind me and parked not in a parking space and i backed into her who's fault is it?
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I backed up in a parking lot to re-angle myself for a parking spot and hit a car behind me whos at fault?

You are.

Auto backed out of a school parking lot and hit me when i was stopped behind there is a small turn arrow back on the main road and i was going the other way who is responsbile?

If they backed into you, they will be responsible for the damages. Hopefully they have insurance and you will not need to pay anything.

Do you have a practice site for parallel parking?

A lot of people will go to a school or church parking lot to practice. Also you can find a quiet road with one or two cars parked at the curb, practice parallel parking behind just one vehicle, then when you're comfortable with how you park behind one vehicle, find two cars to park between.

Who is at fault if backing out of a parking lot space and another vehicle behind you is also backing out?

both of you for not looking back

Who is at fault if you are backing out of a parking space and an oncoming vehicle to your rightjust pulled in the adjacent right parking space directly behind you and suddenly back out and hit you?

Backing up--it is your fault.

Can a car be repossessed if you are two payments behind?

Legally if you miss 1 payment you are delinquent and they can start repossession proceedings on their vehicle.

I was backing out of a parking space and the person behind me proceeded and i backed into the side of his front bumper He didnt see me and i didn't see him who is at fault?

Any driver that is the backing vehicle has a greater and duty and care to maintain proper lookout at all times. The driver that was traveling on the throughfare has control of the lane of travel and the backing vehicle must yield to them. Infortunately, you would the proximate cause of the accident for improper backing.

How many payments in the state of Texas can you be behind for repo?

Legally if you miss 1 payment you are delinquent and they can start repossession proceedings on their vehicle.

Who would be at fault if you backed into an illegally parked car that you could not see from your rearview in a private parking lot?

You have a right to back out of your legal parking spot. If you use your mirrors and do not see that there is anyone behind your car you are able to back out. If a car parks illegally behind you THEY are not only guilty of illegally parking but they are the cause of the accident. All it takes is an extra one minute for the illegal parker to find a parking spot that will not cause an accident. We make choices and when we choose to park illegally any accidents are the fault of the person chosing to park behind cars that could be moving out at any time.

What is a Government-Backed Financing?

Government backed financing is financing that has the promise of the government standing behind it. It is different from private investor financing or bank backed financing.

Is it illegal to repossess a vehicle from a secured parking lot?

If the vehicle is behind a LOCKED, gated area, or in a garage, then yes, they (whoever is reposessing), can go to jail for trespassing. If the car is out in the open i.e. on a curb, in the driveway that's not gated, in a private parking lot (not gated), in a private parking deck, then they can and will repo the car, boat, anything that they have a court order to take for nonpayment. They can get anything that is out in the open. If they can see it, they will take it.

Can a repo company take your car from behind a locked gate in California?

No one has the right to enter your property to repo a vehicle. I your vehicle is out in the street, then its fair game. If you see the repo man coming but has not hooked up to your vehicle, you legally still have possession of the vehicle. Once the vehicle has made contact with the truck the vehicle belongs to him.