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Yours. If it was stationary and you hit it then it was your fault.

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Q: Who is at fault if you hit a car that is blocking you from driving forward out of a parking spot?
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Who's at fault in a car accident when you're backing into your parking space and he's driving forward. your left hand side back bumper hits his right hand side front bumper?

If he was driving forward past his intended parking space to take yours, then he is at fault. Cutting across is not permitted in parking lots although many people do it anyway.

If you are pulling out of parking lot and someone is driving in a parking lot a little fast and hit you whose fault is it?

Usually their is no fault associated with parking lots. I'm sure your insurance company looks at it as your fault.

I live in California i was driving through my apartment complex when i was hit in the front driver side corner by a person backing out of a parking spot. Am i at fault?

The greater fault lies with the person backing out of the parking space. You may still be partially at fault for not driving with due care.

Who is at fault in Florida when you are backing out of a parking lot space and hit someone?

It would be the person driving fault because it is like the same thing as driving and hitting someone.

Who is at fault in a parking lot accident when one driver is reversing out and the other is driving in and they collide?

The one in reverse is most probably at fault here!

Who is at fault in a shopping mall parking lot where you are driving forward through the lanes turning left into the drive lane when a car coming from your right hits your right rear end of the ca?

It depends if you pulled out without looking and/or too quickly so as to cut off the car on your right it's your fault. If you were moving very slow and they didnt see you and hit you its their fault. Although.. It is your responsibility as the car NOT in the driving lane to yield to the car IN the driving lane.

Who is at fault when you backed out from your companys parking lot stopped when you saw a forklift is driving forward from your right hand side But the forklift hit your right rear bumper?

If you were backing out of a space and you stopped and the forklift had a REASONABLE amount of time to see your vehicle (about 3 seconds or so), then the forklift operator would be at fault.

Who is at fault if you are backing up and the other car is driving straight looking for parking?

In most circumstances, the backing vehicle has the greater duty of care and would be found at fault.

Who is at fault when you are backing out of a parking lot space and the other car is in a red zone?

If you are driving the backing car, no matter WHERE the other cas is located, YOU are the one at fault if you collide with it.

Who's at fault when someone hits you in a parking lot where someone was driving the wrong direction?

The person who cuts across parking spots, it's illegal. If the parking lot is private property the damage caused in an accident is a civil matter not a legal one in most cases. Traffic laws do not extend to private property.

Who is at fault if car number one has pulled out of the parking space and is driving down the lane but the wrong way when car number two backs out from their parking space and hits car number one?

In general, the driver who is backing is considered to be at fault.

Who is at fault when a parked car pulls out and hits passing car driving too fast through the parking lot?

The driver of the parking car is at fault... he shd allways keep a man to inform him about danger, whenever backing in such a speedy street....