No, it needs to be replaced.
front windshield wiper is in the fuse boxtitled wiper it takes a 25 amp fuse the rear wiper fuse is also the radio fuse 20 amp
If the windscreen wiper is electric or controlled by a switch, it has a fuse. The wiper fuse on a Peugeot 206 is located in the fuse box in the engine compartment.
The 2000 Nissan windshield wiper fuse is located in the fuse box. The windshield wiper fuse will be in the second column, third from the top.
where is the rear wiper motor fuse
The front wiper is fuse #29 (25 amp) And the rear wiper fuse is #32 (20 amp)
were is locate of the rear wiper fuse in explorer 2000
You can find your 1999 Ford Expedition front windshield wiper fuse in the fuse box. The windshield wiper fuse will be in the second column, fourth from the top.
The 1998 Lincoln Navigator windshield wiper fuse is located in the fuse box. The windshield wiper fuse will be in the second column, third from the top.
where is the fuse for 06 chevy cobalt windshild wiper
Fuse #24
Whether or not your wiper pump has a separate fuse depends on the make and model of your vehicle. Check the service manual, the owner's manual, or inside the fuse box itself for a fuse diagram. It will indicate if the wiper pump motor is on a fuse by itself or if the fuse is shared.