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Either you'll get your payments current plus repossession fees, or your vehicle will be auctioned off, and you'll still be liable for the remaining balance after the auction.

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Q: What will happen if your car is repossessed in NC?
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Related questions

What can happen if you havent paid your car in 4 months?

You can be sued and your car repossessed.

If your car is repossessed in the state of NC can your wages be garnished?

No not in the state of NC - only for child support and taxes. Wanda Improve Credit, LLC

What if your car is repossessed in NC and it is not sold for the amount you owe?

Will, that's usually the case. Then you pay the difference owed.

What will happen if your car down payment bounced and you made a particial payment?

The car will probably be repossessed.

What can happen to your debt after your car is repossessed?

Your debt is then written off as the car covers the cost of the debt.

What has to happen before a creditor can have your care repossessed?

A car cannot be repossessed until the owner has missed several car payments and the owner has been notified of late payments. In most states a car can be repossessed after three months of non-payment.

What can happen if you don't pay a title loan and you still have the car?

The vehicle can be repossessed.

If your dogs are in their crates in the car and you are in the supermarket can your car be repossessed What would happen to your dogs?

check the local pound.

My car was not repossessed but the account was charged off what can happen?

Will be repossessed, be patient. You either pay off, or pay off. No longer able to make payments. They will repossess the car and sue for the difference. Sorry.

What happens if you get your car repossessed?

if i get my car repossessed, can they put a llien on the house?

How can you locate your repossessed car?

Your car was probably repossessed by the lender who owns the car until you pay for it. Call your lender and they will be able to tell you how to locate your repossessed car.

What if your car is being repossessed?

They will then sell the car and you will be responsible for the difference in what the car sells for and the balance on the note. Don't let it happen. Contact the lender and work something out.